ahpalmerUNR / c_compiler

c compiler for UNR Compilers CS 660
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c_compiler for UNR Compilers CS 660. This program takes in a .c file and returns a MIPS program. The MIPS program is intended to be passed into the SPIM program for execution. This repository was created to compile and run on a Linux machine with SPIM, g++, flex, and bison. The repository Wiki is here

Table Of Contents



Team Mate Contributions

Things We Can Do

Things We Can't Do


Installation is done through the terminal.

If you do not have SPIM you can get it here.

To install g++, flex, or bison, perform a sudo apt-get install.

sudo apt-get install flex bison g++

First, navigate to the intended destination for the repo folder. By default, we use the Desktop.

cd ~/Desktop

The just copy the repo, and navigate into it.

git clone https://github.com/ahpalmerUNR/c_compiler.git
cd c_compiler


To make the compiler, just type make in the top folder of the repository.


You can optionally clear out the build folder via:

make clean

To compile a c program, run the program with the last argument the source file.

./build/c_compiler [args] testCases/t1.c

The above code would compile the t1.c test case. All resulting files are saved alongside the testcases.

The c_compiler accepts commandline arguments.

    -o [filename] sets the output file name. Defaults to out.s 
    Note: currently -o creates the parse file and defaults to parseFile.txt

    -t [filename] sets the token file name. Defaults to tokenFile.txt
    -l [filename] sets the log file name. Defaults to compilerLog.txt
    Note: currently log file only holds symbol table dumps and error messages.

    -d[lsp]* sets the debug levels for scanner, symbol table, and parser.

    -a Output the ast to a file.

The following are the commandline debug levels.

An example call with max debugging set, and file names set would be:

./build/c_compiler -o testCases/t1Out.txt -t testCases/t1TokenFile.txt -l testCases/t1LogFile.txt -dlllpppppsss testCases/t1.c

Inside the .c file, there are commands to turn on/off debug options. Unlike the command line settings, the levels are not progressive (you can pick just the ones you want and not everything less than the given level).

    !!D             Dumps symbol table to log file.
    !!L [number]    Sets scanner debug level.
    !!S [number]    Sets symbol table debug level.
    !!Y [number]    Sets parser debug level.

To allow for just the specific levels wanted, the [number] argument is an integer determined by the multiplication of the numbers in parenthesis in the above debug levels.

So if we want to set the scanner debug to have just print symbol table commands and print token then we multiply 5*2=10.

Likewise if we want to set symbol table debug to print search keys and print enter and leave scopes then we multiply 5*3=15.

In code this can be placed anywhere with whitepace on either side.

int main()
    int j !!D = 1;
    char p !!L 10 ='p';

    !!L 1
    !!Y 6
    j = 10;
    if(j == 14)
        return 1;
    !!Y 1

    return 0;


To view the AST if graphviz is not installed you can use the website http://www.webgraphviz.com/ by copying the text in the .gv file produced.


Can Do

Can't Do