ahsan2882 / inventory-management-server

Fueling an Inventory Management System, this Node.js Express server enables user registration, login, and dynamic inventory customization. Integrated with Firebase Firestore, it ensures seamless inventory management, modifications, and user-centric updates for an optimized experience. efefnnruiur rr
MIT License
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Inventory Management System API

CodeFactor autofix enabled

The README is a work in progress, it is open for updates, you can submit a Pull Request, or I will find time to update in chunks

Table of Contents


Welcome to the Inventory Management System API! This project is an Express server built with TypeScript, serving as the backend for an inventory management system. It allows users to log in or sign up, view their inventory, update items, and customize the structure of their inventory.

Detailed Description

The server is developed in Node.js using the Express framework and TypeScript. It leverages Firebase Firestore as the database for storing inventory data. The application follows a modular project structure to enhance maintainability and scalability.



Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

Setup Guide

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd <repository_name>
  2. Install dependencies: npm install

  3. Configure Firebase:

  1. Start the server: npm start

Project Structure

inventory-management-api/ -- config/ -- firebaseConfig.js +-- ...
-- controllers/
-- authController.js
-- inventoryController.js
+-- ...
-- routes/
-- authRoutes.js
-- inventoryRoutes.js
+-- ...
-- models/
-- User.js
-- Inventory.js
+-- ...
-- middleware/
-- authMiddleware.js
+-- ...

+-- index.js

API Endpoints

Detailed API Documentation (Update with actual documentation)


The API uses token-based authentication. Upon successful login, a token is provided and must be included in subsequent requests in the Authorization header.


The server connects to Firebase Firestore for data storage. Ensure your Firestore rules are appropriately configured to restrict access based on your requirements.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow the contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

  mamba create --name my-dirac-env -c conda-forge dirac-grid
 conda activate my-dirac-env

Inventory Management System API

Table of Contents


Welcome to the Inventory Management System API! This project is an Express server built with TypeScript, serving as the backend for an inventory management system. It allows users to log in or sign up, view their inventory, update items, and customize the structure of their inventory.

Detailed Description

The server is developed in Node.js using the Express framework and TypeScript. It leverages Firebase Firestore as the database for storing inventory data. The application follows a modular project structure to enhance maintainability and scalability.



Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

Setup Guide

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone <repository_url>
    cd <repository_name>
    Install Dependencies:

bash Copy code npm install Build TypeScript:

bash Copy code npm run build Set Environment Variables:

Create a .env file in the root directory. Add your Firebase credentials and other necessary environment variables. env Copy code FIREBASE_API_KEY=your_api_key FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=your_auth_domain FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=your_project_id Start the Server:

bash Copy code npm start Project Structure The project follows a modular structure to enhance organization and scalability. Here is a brief overview:

plaintext Copy code src/ |-- controllers/ |-- middleware/ |-- models/ |-- routes/ |-- index.ts controllers: Contains the business logic for each route. middleware: Middleware functions used in the Express app. models: Defines data models for Firestore. routes: Handles the routing for different API endpoints. index.ts: Entry point of the application. Endpoints Information Endpoint Description Method /api/login User login POST /api/signup User signup POST /api/inventory Get user's inventory GET /api/update-item Update an inventory item PUT /api/modify-structure Modify inventory structure POST Authentication The API uses Firebase Authentication for user authentication. Ensure that the Firebase credentials are set in the .env file.

Database The server connects to Firebase Firestore as the database for storing inventory data. Ensure that Firestore is properly set up and the credentials are provided in the .env file.

Contributing Guidelines Contributions are welcome! Please follow the contribution guidelines before submitting a pull request.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.