ahw / vim-hooks

Easily hook shell scripts into Vim autocmd events.
MIT License
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This is a Vim plugin that lets you automatically execute arbitrary shell scripts after specific autocmd events are fired while editing certain files. It does this by looking for specially-named scripts in your current working directory (as well as ~/.vimhooks/) that have names like .bufwritepost.vimhook.rb or .cursorhold.vimhook.sh and executes those scripts whenever — in this example — Vim fires the BufWritePost and CursorHold autocmd events, respectively.

In Other Words

If you came here thinking, "I'd like to run a script every time I save a file in Vim" then this plugin is for you. Keep reading.

VimHooks Flow

VimHook scripts, which I refer to as "hook scripts," or just "hooks" throughout this document, can live at the project level or at a global level in ~/.vimhooks/. Hooks can be synchronous (the default) or asynchronous (in a fire-and-forget sort of way). The autocmd triggers can be debounced so hooks are only executed once within a specified window of time. The stdout produced by hook scripts can be loaded into a split window that refreshes automatically every time the hook is executed. Hooks that are configured to run silently will still report stderr when they exit with a non-zero exit code. Finally, the :ListVimHooks command provides a listing of all enabled and disabled hook scripts available in a particular session. They are listed in the order they would (synchronously) execute and can be toggled on and off interactively. You can make edits to hook scripts on the fly and the changes will be reflected the next time they are run.


Here is your obligatory set of live-demo gifs. The first is the original example I have used since creating this plugin, and the second is one I created recently, which makes use of the new "buffer output" feature.

Sass Recompilation and Browser Reload

Recompile a Sass file and then reload Chrome, Firefox, and Safari using AppleScript. See the code that does this. (Yes, this example is a little dated. I still use this for quick things but Browsersync might be a better solution for you.)

VimHooks Reload GIF

Vim as REPL

Execute whatever code you're currently editing and see the result from stdout opened in a new window. See the code that does this.

VimHooks Buffer Output GIF


If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen.vim, and then simply copy and paste:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/ahw/vim-hooks.git

How it works

When some event E is fired from a Vim buffer named F (i.e., the filename), VimHooks looks through the list of all hook scripts in the current working directory and ~/.vimhooks/, and executes those hooks whose event property is E and whose matching suffix property matches F.1 These and other properties are embedded in the hook script filename itself and follow a specific naming pattern so that the plugin can parse them out. This pattern is described below.

VimHook naming pattern

VimHook Naming Structure

Property Description
leading dot (optional) Doesn't matter whether the file is hidden or not.
sort key (optional) There can be multiple VimHooks set to trigger on the same autocmd event, and they are executed in lexicographical order. If it is important that certain hooks execute in a specific order, you can add one or more digits in this space to ensure the ordering is correct.
matching suffix (optional) Assuming the event property has matched, a VimHook will trigger for all files ending with this matching suffix. If matching suffix is "js", the hook will trigger for all files ending in "js". When matching suffix is "main.js" the hook will trigger for all files ending in "main.js" (including "main.js" itself). If there is no matching suffix the hook becomes global: it will trigger for all files. The matching suffix can contain dots.
event The name of the autocmd event the hook is triggered on. Case insensitive.
"vimhook" Identifies this as a VimHook script. Nothing after "vimhook" is parsed out by the plugin.

Note that in general, each component of the pattern is separated by a "." from the other components, though the matching suffix can itself contains dots and VimHooks knows how to accommodate these. When you leave off one of the optional pattern components (e.g., sort key) you do not need to include the dot marking its place. Thus, bufwritepost.vimhook.sh, js.bufwritepost.vimhook.rb, and .001.foo.bar.py.bufwritepost.vimhook.js are all valid VimHook filenames.

Arguments provided to a hook script

Each script is passed

  1. the name of the current buffer
  2. the triggered event name
  3. the path to the current file without the extension
  4. the path to the parent directory of the current file

as command-line arguments, in that order. So in a Bash shell script you could, for example, use $1, $2, $3, and $4 to access these values.


Let's assume

Then the table below shows which arguments map to which things.

Bash code inside Circle.java.bufwritepost.vimhook.sh Output
echo $1 Circle.java
echo $2 bufwritepost
echo $3 ./Circle
echo $4 .
echo ${1%.java} Circle

VimHook Options

VimHooks supports additional functionality that is exposed by setting various VimHook options. Option flags are set either

  1. πŸ“„ Locally in the source code of a hook script, or
  2. 🌍 Globally, via global variables in your ~/.vimrc.

How to set options

To set an option flag and value in your VimHook script, add a line anywhere in the file that follows the convention <comment_token> vimhook.myOptionKey = myOptionValue. For example, in a Bash script this would be a valid way to set an option:

# vimhook.bufferoutput = true

Available options

πŸ“„ Option Key / 🌎 Global Variable Behavior
πŸ“„ vimhook.bufferoutput
🌎 g:vimhooks_bufferoutput
When true, dump the stdout from this hook script into a new scratch buffer, opened automatically in a new window. If the buffer already exists, overwrite it and refresh the window. When false, VimHook scripts are executed silently, though stderr is still reported when scripts exit with a non-zero exit code. Default: false
πŸ“„ vimhook.bufferoutput.vsplit
🌏 g:vimhooks_bufferoutput_vsplit
When true, open the buffer output window in a vertical split instead of the default horizontal. When false or omitted, buffer output window is opened in a horizontal split. This option is only relevant when vimhook.bufferoutput is true. Default: false
πŸ“„ vimhook.bufferoutput.filetype
🌍 g:vimhooks_bufferoutput_filetype
Sets the filetype of the output buffer to whatever value is provided. Useful if you want to get syntax highlighting or some other filetype-specific goodness from the output buffer. Default: unset
πŸ“„ vimhook.bufferoutput.wrap_mode
🌎 g:vimhooks_bufferoutput_wrap_mode
Executes :set wrap or :set nowrap in the output buffer depending on the value. The value should either be wrap or nowrap. Default: nowrap
πŸ“„ vimhook.bufferoutput.feedkeys
🌏 g:vimhooks_bufferoutput_feedkeys
Executes whatever Normal commands are provided. For example, vimhook.bufferoutput.feedkeys = G would cause the output buffer to always scroll to the bottom. Default: unset
πŸ“„ vimhook.async
🌍 g:vimhooks_async
When true, execute this hook in a forked process. The exit code, stdout, and stderr will all be lost to the ether ("fire and forget"). Default: false
πŸ“„ vimhook.debounce.wait: N
🌎 g:vimhooks_debounce_wait
You can set the vimhook.debounce.wait: N option in a hook script to execute the script in a forked process after N seconds have elapsed since the last trigger of this particular hook. Debounced hooks are implicitly async, so the disclaimers described for that option hold for debounced hooks too. Default: unset
πŸ“„ (Not applicable)
🌏 g:vimhooks_list_enabled_first
When explicitly set to false, :ListVimHooks will stop grouping enabled hooks first and disabled hooks second. Instead, all hooks are listed in lexicographical order. Default: true

More on setting options

Global option settings are applied first and overridden on a per-hook basis wherever they are used.

The option line can begin with anything you want (like a comment character) but should not have anything after the myOptionValue part. Whitespace around the = sign is irrelevant. You can use a : instead of an = sign if you prefer. Options with no value defined are implicitly set to "true". For example, here are some equivalent ways of setting the option bufferoutput to true.

# vimhook.bufferoutput = true
// vimhook.bufferoutput : true
-- vimhook.bufferoutput:1
// some other comment here then vimhook.bufferoutput

The following are all equivalent ways of setting the bufferoutput key to false.

# vimhook.bufferoutput = false
>>> vimhook.bufferoutput : false
" vimhook.bufferoutput:0

For the sake of showing an example of a non-boolean option, these are all equivalent ways of setting the option debounce.wait to 2 seconds.

# vimhook.debounce.wait = 2
// vimhook.debounce.wait: 2
-- vimhook.debounce.wait : 2



The :ListVimHooks command takes zero arguments. It opens a new unmodifiable buffer in a horizontal split which lists all of the VimHook script files the plugin has found after scanning the current working directory as well as the ~/.vimhooks/ directory. The enabled hook scripts are listed before the disabled ones. Helpfully, within each of these groupings, the relative order of the hook scripts matches their order of execution.

There are two sections in this buffer: the Mappings section which shows a "cheat sheet" of the buffer-local mappings and the Hooks section which, for each VimHook script, shows a checkbox indicating the enabled/disabled state of the script (checked means enabled), the matching suffix (where * represents a UNIX-style blob), the autocommand event which triggers the script, and the path to the script. The x mapping is particularly useful as it allows you to quickly toggle on and off individual VimHook scripts as you move between projects that require different hooks.

Pressing s, i, o, or <CR> will open the hook file for editing in one way or another. If you make changes to a hook file and save it, the plugin will automatically pick up those changes. Isn't that nice? It does this by listening for BufWritePost events on *vimhook*-patterned filenames and re-running :FindHookFiles for you.

ListVimHooks GIF

Note: this gif is slightly out of date. The :ListVimHooks command has since been modified to always list active VimHook scripts first at the top of the Hooks section before listing the inactive ones.

The buffer-local mappings are inspired from NERDTree:


The :FindHookFiles command re-runs the same initializing logic VimHooks runs when you start Vim with the plugin installed. It will "forget" any VimHook scripts it may have previously found and re-scan the current working directory as well as the ~/.vimhooks/ directory. Use this command if you have created a new VimHook script and want to start using it without closing and re-opening your entire Vim session.


The :ExecuteHookFiles command takes a single argument which is the name of a Vim autocmd you would like to manually "trigger." The event name can be tab-completed. For example, if you would like to verify the VimHook scripts listening for the VimEnter event are functioning correctly you can manually fire them off by running :ExecuteHookFiles VimEnter.


The :StopExecutingHooks command will temporarily disable triggering of all VimHook scripts.


The :StartExecutingHooks command turns VimHook script triggering back on.


What if I want to manually fire hooks?

You may find yourself wishing you could turn off automatic triggering of hooks and instead fire them manually via some convenient key mapping. Though I'll admit this feels a bit crude, I've had good luck with this straight-forward mapping in my ~/.vimrc.

nnoremap gh :StartExecutingHooks<cr>:ExecuteHookFiles BufWritePost<cr>:StopExecutingHooks<cr>
nnoremap ghl :StartExecutingHooks<cr>:ExecuteHookFiles VimLeave<cr>:StopExecutingHooks<cr>

Which autocmd events are exposed by Vim Hooks?

A handful that seemed useful, but certainly not all of them. It would be simple for me to add other events not on this list, but BufWritePost and VimLeave have been enough for all my use cases so far. Feel free to file an issue if you'd like others. Here is the exhaustive list at the moment:

Example Usage


My bufwritepost hooks aren't firing

It seems that sometimes vim-fugitive puts Vim in a weird state where it thinks it's in diff mode. Or at least, VimHooks thinks it's in diff mode. The VimHooks plugin does not fire hooks while in diff mode and this might be why your hooks aren't firing. It's probably a bug in VimHooks, but until I get to the bottom of it, my remedy is to manually re-enter and then exit :Gdiff-mode.

:Gdiff " Opens up split diff window
:q " Quit the left-hand side diff window
" VimHooks should start working again.

Hooks aren't working with Python virtualenv

Two things you can try to fix this:

  1. Set your PYTHONPATH environment variable in your hook script.
  2. source your virtualenv activate script in your hook script.

For example:

# vimhook.bufferoutput

# This may NOT be necessary if you've installed Python in a "standard" location.

# Source the activate script for your virtualenv
source ~/public/my-env/bin/activate

babel $1 > main.js

# Now you can use Python modules installed in your virtualenv
aws s3 cp main.js s3://example.bucket/

The reason behind this: Vim executes shell commands in a different environment than your normal login shell. You may have come across this before while trying to make use of custom aliases defined in your ~/.zshrc or similar and discovering they don't work when you attempt :!ll or some other shell alias.


1 Actually, VimHooks only iterates over all the hook files for the very first trigger of some new filename/event combination. It then populates a cache which is accessed whenever that same filename/event combination is fired again.