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FASTREAD_ECL is a tool to support primary study selection in systematic literature review implemented on HPCC for massive scale-up.

Latest Versions:

Setting up FASTREAD

  1. Setting up HPCC:

    • Install HPCC virtual machine
    • Install HPCC Client Tools    - add C:\Program Files (x86)\HPCCSystems\xx.xx\clienttools\bin (the installation path to ecl.exe) to your environment path.
  2. Setting up Python:

    • We use anaconda by (see Why?)
    • We won't need the entire distribution. Download a Python 2.7 version & install a minimal version of anaconda.
    • Make sure you select add to PATH during install.
  3. Getting dependencies:

    • get flask package from anaconda: run conda install flask in your terminal/shell.
    • get ecl-ml from github
    • install libsvm development package on your HPCC nodes: ECLAGENT, THOR, THORMASTER, ECLCCSERVER.
    • for the virtual box case, just run sudo apt-get install libsvm-dev on your vitual machine
    • for the case of multiple nodes, every node should be installed with libsvm development package
    • put ecl-ml in the same directory alongside FASTREAD_ECL:


  1. Running HPCC in virtual box:

    • follow the instruction here
  2. Get data ready:

    • Prepare a csv file like this:
    • the 'label' column stores the TRUE label of each entry, if not applicable, leave it as blank or 'unknown'.
    • Remove the header (first row) of your data file.
    • There are some example data files in FASTREAD_ECL > UI > workspace > data
    • Open ECL_Watch: http://ecl_watch_ip::8010  + Upload your data file onto HPCC landing zone (files > Landing Zones > Upload):
    • Spray it:
    • Select uploaded file
    • Click Spray: Delimited
    • Change the Target Scope to fastread::
    • Hit Spray at bottom right
  3. Running script:

    • Navigate to FASTREAD_ECL > UI > src and run
    • If all is well, you'll be greeted by this:
  4. The Interface:

  5. Load the data:

    • Click Scan button to see what data files are on your HPCC system. Then select the data to work on from the selection tab.
    • Wait up to minutes for the first time. Once the data is successfully loaded, you will see the following:
  6. Begin reviewing studies:

    • choose from Relevant, Irrelevant, or Undetermined for each study and hit Submit.
    • hit Next when you want a to review more.
    • statistics are displayed as Documents Coded: x/y (z), where x is the number of relevant studies retrieved, y is the number of studies reviewed, and z is the total number of candidate studies.
    • when x is greater than or equal to 1, an SVM model will be trained after hitting Next.
    • keep reviewing studies until you think most relevant ones have been retrieved.
  7. Export csv:

    • Click Export button will generate a csv file with your coding in FASTREAD_ECL > UI > workspace > coded.
  8. Restart:

    • Click Restart button will give you a fresh start and loose all your previous effort on the current data.

Version Logs

May 23, 2017. v1.0.0 The very first, basic version is released.