ai / dual-publish

Publish JS project as dual ES modules and CommonJS package to npm
MIT License
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Dual Publish

Publish JS project as dual ES modules and CommonJS package to npm.

You write CommonJS in your npm library sources:

// index.js
module.exports = { lib }

npx dual-publish compiles your library during publishing to npm:

// index.js
export { lib }

// index.cjs
module.exports = { lib }

// package.json
  "type": "module",
  "module": "index.js",
  "main": "index.cjs",
  "exports": {
    "require": "./index.cjs",
    "import": "./index.js"

Now your library can be imported natively as ESM or CommonJS:

// CommonJS
let { lib } = require('lib')

// ESM in Node.js, webpack, Parcel, and Rollup
import { lib } from 'lib'

// ESM in browser
import { lib } from ''

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  1. Take a normal CommonJS project with require() and module.exports =.
  2. Because of bug in webpack we recommend to use only named exports:

    const NAME = 'a'
    function change {
    module.exports = { NAME, change }
  3. Move all files into separated dirs. Rename lib.js to lib/index.js. Old require('./lib') will work.
  4. Add dual-publish to the project:

    npm i --save-dev dual-publish
  5. Test the result by calling npx dual-publish --check. It will create a folder in your project with converted files. Review them manually.
  6. Publish your project with npx dual-publish instead of npm publish.

    npx dual-publish