ai / size-limit

Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit.
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support NodeJS ESM Module only project #285

Open unional opened 2 years ago

unional commented 2 years ago

Currently, ESM Module only project doesn't work with size-limit, both esbuild and webpack plugin fails to recognize the project:

// package.json
  "type": "module",
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "import": "./lib/index.js"

They both try to look for <proj>/index.js because main was not specified.

ai commented 2 years ago

As quick fix you can specify path to JS file with path option in Size Limit config.

I agree that it will be nice to look for default path in exports too. Can I ask to send PR? I am working on another project right now.

unional commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I take a quick look into the code, but couldn't identify where does it get the default path. :(

btw, is there a esbuild-why similar to webpack-why? (Or if there is a way to get the output file so we can examine it manually)

I have a project that while small, it reports:

✔ Adding to empty esbuild project

  Size limit: 5 kB
  Size:       313 B with all dependencies, minified and gzipped

I'm not sure it is that small~ :)

When I do "path": "./esm/**/*.js" instead, it gives:

✔ Adding to empty esbuild project

  Size limit: 5 kB
  Size:       986 B with all dependencies, minified and gzipped
ai commented 2 years ago

For ESM, you need to specify import with list of exports to test (because of esbuild tree-shaking).

unional commented 2 years ago

For ESM, you need to specify import

Turns out I don't have to. The package is that small. :)

On the other hand, I'm getting these warnings from esbuild when testing the commonJS output in "ECMAScript module`:

Adding to empty esbuild project▲ [WARNING] Top-level "this" will be replaced with undefined since this file is an ECMAScript module

      2 │ var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
        │                        ~~~~
        ╵                        undefined

  This file is considered to be an ECMAScript module because the enclosing "package.json" file sets
  the type of this file to "module":

      19 │   "type": "module",

[WARNING] The CommonJS "exports" variable is treated as a global variable in an ECMAScript module and may not work as expected

      17 │ exports.tersify = void 0;

These output files are used by CommonJS, where the package is configured as follows:

  "type": "module",
  "exports": {
    "types": "./esm/index.d.ts",
    "import": "./esm/index.js",
    "require": "./cjs/index.js"
  "main": "cjs/index.js",

Is there a way to tell esbuild to treat the input as CommonJS?

ai commented 2 years ago

It should detects it automatically by package.type

unional commented 2 years ago

It should detects it automatically by package.type

It does, which is the problem here.

because under type: module, you can export both ESM and CommonJS (as seen in the example above).

As for size-limit usage, I'm checking both:

"size-limit": [
  { "path": "./cjs/index.js", "limit": "5kB" },
  { "path": "./esm/index.js", "limit": "5kB" }
ai commented 2 years ago

You need to explicitly add .cjs extension for CJS file (or add package.json to ./cjs/).

Otherwise, your npm package will not work in Node.js.

unional commented 2 years ago

TypeScript (including the latest 4.7) does not support that.

ai commented 2 years ago

Welcome to the hell of ESM migration :D. I can’t help with TS.

unional commented 2 years ago

🤣 no problem. ESM migration with TypeScript is hell x 2.

Here are some links related to it if you are interested:

antongolub commented 2 years ago

ESM migration with TypeScript and Jest is hell^3.

@unional, if understand correctly, it seems that's necessary to inject .js extensions into .ts/.d.ts but rename target/cjs/*.js to.cjs.

unional commented 2 years ago

@unional, if understand correctly, it seems that's necessary to inject .js extensions into .ts/.d.ts but rename target/cjs/*.js to.cjs.

What I understand is to these two things:

I'm still not sure about changing the .d.ts and cjs/*.js post transpilation. Because that could break sourceMap, inlineSourceMap, and inlineSources.

I think that's also part of the reason TypeScript team don't want to do it.

JounQin commented 2 years ago

We can use import() instead of require() easily to support ESM only packages AFAIK, I'd like to try to raise a PR for it.

JounQin commented 2 years ago


I'm still not sure about changing the .d.ts and cjs/*.js post transpilation.


You need something like rollup