This is personal EFI for the installation of macOS 12.3.1 Monterey on an ASUS H310M-K R2.0 motherboard
If like in my case your video card does not have HDMI output please use DVI. VGA causes black lock screen. It is not a tutorial. The steps and things to do are not mentioned. Please read the official Dortania's guide.
This is my personal home project. I have no responsibility for any damage caused by the release of this project.
Before using EFI remember that it is necessary to generate a serial number with GenSMBIOS for iMac19.1 and apply the serials generated with ProperTree.
I have updated to the latest version xcode, python and macOS Monterey 12.4. After 24 minutes everything is ok! you can upgrade without additional steps.
The latest update enables FaceTime and iMessage. Work fully!