aiden / autobot

A Multi-Platform Bot Testing Framework Designed for Humans
MIT License
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Autobot: Bot Testing for Humans


autobot terminal image

Autobot is a multi-platform bot testing framework designed for humans. It is designed to have concise, simple test files with strong flexibility and extensibility.


Dialogue Format

Simple Chat file

Title: "Simple Greetings"
  - Human: Hello
  - Bot:
    - Hi
    - Hello
  - Bot: How are you?
  - Human: I'm good
  - Human: Yourself?
  - Bot: I'm good too!

Complex chat file with variables, branching, and wildcards

Title: "Branching conversation"
  - Human: Hello
  - Bot: Hi <WORD> // Wildcard match
  - Human: How are you?
  - Bot: I am <$emotion> // variable loaded from external file
  - Wait: 5000
  - Human: How's my campaign doing?
  - Bot: Your impressions are up 20% since last week! Would you like to see more?
  - 1:
      - Human: Sure
      - Bot: Here's a graph of your impressions in the last month.
      - Bot: <IMAGE>
      - Human: No
      - Bot: Anything else I can help with?
      - Human: What countries is this campaign live in?
      - 1:
          - Bot: Your campaign is live in <NUMBER> countries right now
          - Human: Show me ad spend by country
          - Bot: Here you go
          - Bot: <IMAGE>
          - Bot: Your campaign is only live in 1 country right now
          - Human: Which one?
          - Bot: <WORD>

Special Tags

You can use the following tags in your test dialogue files:

Tag Meaning
<*> Matches anything, including whitespaces
<WORD> A single word without whitespaces
<IMAGE> An image attachment
<CARDS> A card attachment
<(REGEX)> Any regex expression, i.e. <([0-9]{2})>
<$VARNAME> An expression from the locale/translation file


To install from npm

$ npm install -g auto-bot

To install from source

$ npm run build
$ npm install -g ./


You must have a config file autobot.yml in the current directory or a parent directory.

$ autobot

  Usage: autobot [options] <chatPath>

  autobot is an multi-platform bot testing framework. It requires an autobot.yml config file to be in the working directory or a parent.


    -V, --version               output the version number
    -v --verbose                Enable full logging including bot queries and responses
    -j --json                   Enable seeing the direct JSON responses from the client
    -c, --config <autobot.yml>  autobot.yml config file to use (default current directory and parents)
    -h, --help                  output usage information

To run a specific test:

$ autobot ./path/to/test.yml

To run all tests recursively in a directory:

$ autobot ./path/to/directory

To see the dialogue in the console, add the -v flag

$ autobot -v ./path/to/test.yml

    Discovered 1 tests (1 branches)

  HUMAN testuser-simple-0: Hello
  BOT testuser-simple-0: Hi!

Config File Format

The config file autobot.yml takes the following fields:

client: botframework
  - locale/en/locale.json
timeout: 20000 (timeout in ms)
  - Human: Hey there
  - Bot: <*>
  - Human: Hi

Extending to a new platforms

autobot is designed to be super simple to integrate a new platform. You only need to implement the Client interface found in src/clients/client_interface.ts, in either javascript or typescript.

There are only 2 mandatory methods, and 2 optional methods to implement:

export class MyNewClient extends Client {
  send(message) {
    // Mandatory

  onReply(callback) {
    // Mandatory

  onReady(callback) {
    // Optional

  close() {
    // Optional