aidevnn / FastGoat

What C# can do for studying Finite Groups, quotient groups, semi-direct products, homomorphisms, automorphisms group, characters table, minimalistic rings and fields manipulations, polynomials factoring, fields extensions and many more...
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Improving Character Table Computation #60

Open aidevnn opened 6 months ago

aidevnn commented 6 months ago

The current implementation for computing character tables is based solely on the following methods:

This implementation can be enhanced by incorporating various named characters and resolving orthogonality and an old implementation for resolving orthogonality can be retrieved from git-history.

aidevnn commented 6 months ago

When dealing with the character table, some small improvement can be tested

aidevnn commented 6 months ago

In the case of abelian group, induction from its subgroups is x3 slower than direct computation of linear characters from tensor property.

It is now fixed.

aidevnn commented 6 months ago

When linear characters are associated with a new character with unknowns, it is possible to reduce and solve the system for SL(2,3), GL(2,3), SL(2,3) x C2, and SL(2,3) x: C2. However, a method to avoid unnecessary linear characters still needs to be found.

aidevnn commented 6 months ago

Pretty print error needs to be fixed, I^2 = -1.