aidn3 / hypixel-guild-discord-bridge

Service connects multiple guilds and discord server together
MIT License
19 stars 6 forks source link
bridge chat discord discord-bot hypixel


type-coverage A badge displaying the number of messages being sent via the project Discord server


A service that connects multiple Hypixel guilds and Discord servers together. This project is made to be fully flexible and customisable, offering a high quality user experience while keeping it simple.

DISCLAIMER: This project interacts with Hypixel in an unintended way by simulating a minecraft client and by processing packets which might get you banned if over-abused too much.
Just like any other modification and service that interacts with Hypixel servers, this goes without saying: "Use at your own risk"

Migrating To 3.x.x

Breaking changes:

Table Of Contents



Name Description
Anyone Anything that usually can be seen in-game guild chat
e.g. public chat, join/leave notification, etc
Helper Anything that requires special permission to see in-game guild chat
e.g. officer chat, mute notification, etc.
Officer Superset of Helper role. Given to trusted members
Admin Special permission that is used to administrate the service.
Note: Only ONE person can have this permission!

Supported Discord Commands

Command Description Permission
/ping Show Discord response latency Anyone
/list List all online members and their current game mode Anyone
/connectivity Send an echo to all Minecraft instances to check status Anyone
/about Display basic info about the client Anyone
/promote & /demote & /setrank Equivalent to /guild promote/demote/setrank Helper
/invite & /accept Equivalent to /guild invite/accept Helper
/reconnect Reconnect an in-game instance to Hypixel Helper
/punishments Equivalent to /guild mute/unmute/kick. Can also ban Helper/Officer
/restart Restart the entire bridge service Admin
/override Send direct commands to all minecraft clients Admin

Supported Events

Event Description Who can see it
Online/Offline Member logging on/off Anyone
Join/Leave Member joins/leaves the guild Anyone
Promote/Demote Member promoted/demoted in the guild Anyone
Request Member requesting to join the guild Anyone
Quest Guild quest milestone reached Anyone
Repeat Warn about "can't repeat message"
when writing from a Discord channel
Block Warn about a Discord user saying something that breaks Hypixel's rules Anyone
Kick Notify when someone is kicked from the guild Public
Mute / Unmute Notify when someone gets muted in the guild Helper

Supported Chat Commands

These commands can be executed from any chat channel the bridge can see. This includes guild/officer chat as well as private /msg and direct messaging channels.

Most Soopy commands are supported and can be used by executing !soopy rtca. A shorter version can also be used: !- rtca

Command Description Permission
!8ball Replica of 8 ball.!8ball Will I win? Anyone
!bits Returns the best bit items to purchase for the most profit Anyone"
!calculate Calculate a math expression: !calculate 1+2*3 Anyone
!catacomb Get a player's catacombs and class level Anyone
!darkauction Show the remaining time till next dark auction Anyone
!explain Explain what the bridge does and how it works Anyone
!guild Give a summary of the guild of a given user Anyone
!help Show a command usage !help runs Anyone
!iq Give a random IQ number to the guild member Anyone
!kuudra Get a player's kuudra completions !kuudra hot Anyone
!level Get a player's skyblock level Anyone
!networth Calculate the in-game networth of a player Anyone
!rps Play rock paper scissors !rps rock Anyone
!roulette Has a chance of muting a player Anyone
!runs Return a plauer's floor completions !runs m7 Anyone
!rtca Return runs count to reach an average class level Anyone
!secrets Return a player's total dungeon secrets Anyone
!skill Return player's skill level !skill mining Anyone
!slayer Return a player's slayer stats !slayer wolf Anyone
!soopy Use Soopy API to execute commands !- purse Anyone
!weight Calculate the Senither Weight of a player Anyone
!toggle Enable/disable commands !toggle 8ball Officer
!override Run a command directly !overide /guild party Admin

Available Plugins

Application has an official public API and supports custom plugins to enhance potential.
Loaded plugins can be configured in the config.yaml file when configuring the app.
To create custom plugins see Documentation And Tutorials.

These are the supported official plugins that come bundled with the application:

Plugin Description Importance Notice
auto-restart Schedule restarting every 24 hours Essential A process monitor is required to restart the application after it shuts down. Not periodically restarting can lead to high RAM usage.
limbo-plugin Forces Minecraft client to stay in Hypixel limbo Essential Being outside of limbo for prolonged periods can lead to the account being banned. Only disable if required.
punishment-plugin Enforces punishments and prevents punishment evasion Recommended Plugin will mute users but won't ban them, instead it will send a notification in officer chat.
warp-plugin Warp players out of their lobbies Quality of Life Incompatible with limbo-plugin. Disable one before enabling the other one.
reaction-plugin Send a greeting/reaction message when a member joins/leaves or is kicked from the guild Quality of Life N/A
dark-auction Send a reminder when a skyblock dark auction is starting Quality of Life Sends a reminder 5 minutes and 1 minute before the dark auction.
starfall-cult Send a reminder when the skyblock starfall cult gathers Quality of Life N/A

How to use override

Note: Only the one person who has administrator permissions can execute commands!
From In-game: /gc !override /guild party
From Discord: /override /guild party


hypixel-guild-discord-bridge supports Prometheus metrics, and it is enabled by default on port 9095. Many metrics are automatically collected in memory and await prometheus to scrap them.

Available Metrics

These are the currently monitored metrics. No usernames or anything personal is monitored. All metrics have the default prefix guild_bridge_. It can be changed in config.yaml under metrics.

Metric Description Source metadata
PREFIX_guild_exp_total Guild total experience Hypixel API /guild end point name: Guild name
PREFIX_guild_exp_game Guild experience per game Hypixel API /guild end point name: Guild name, type: game type
PREFIX_guild_members Guild members count Hypixel API /guild end point name: Guild name
PREFIX_chat Messages count of all chat In-game guild chat/Discord bot location: Discord, webhook, in-game.
scope: private, officer, public chat.
instance: name of the source registered in config.yaml
PREFIX_command Commands usage count Discord commands interactions and in-game chat commands Same as chat metrics + command: command name
PREFIX_event Events count Discord server events and in-game chat same as chat metrics + event: event name (e.g. offline, join, mute, etc.)
PREFIX_guild_members_online Guild current online members In-game periodic execution of /guild list name: Guild name

Metrics Config

In-game periodic command execution for metrics are disabled by default. Automatically sending commands non-stop to Hypixel might get the client banned for blatant automation. Although the chance is next to none, it is disabled for safe measures.

Metrics With Grafana

Metrics can be directly used from the Prometheus server by querying it directly. However, to visualise the data, another server is required to do the job. Grafana is one of the most popular and easy to use out there. Many tutorials exist on the internet showcasing Grafana setups and configs.

Here are examples of Prometheus queries and their results displayed using Grafana:

sum(increase(guild_bridge_chat[1h])) by (scope,location)



Installing and Running



Clone and download the complete project by using Git tool:

git clone

Alternatively, download the source code directly without any revisions. (Updating the service will be difficult)



Install dependencies and libraries by executing the command:

npm install

New dictionary node_modules will be generated containing all required files.


Start the service by executing command:

npm start

Run Via Docker

Alternatively, Docker image is available to use at GitHub Container Service. Image is usually up to date.

To start, first prepare the configuration as instructed in this section. Then execute:

sudo docker container run -it --rm -v ./config.yaml:/app/config.yaml

Note that the path of the configuration source file must either be relative (with the ./) or absolute.

Alternatively, providing the path as an argument to the docker container is also possible:

sudo docker container run -it --rm -v ./config.yaml:/config/config.yaml /config/config.yaml


This section is for advanced users who wish to run a bridge that supports thousands of online players with dozens of connected guilds.

Sockets And Cluster Nodes

Bridge supports cluster mode. That means, the bridge can be divided into smaller parts and be hosted on different servers and all be connected via sockets.
When to use cluster mode:

Node Modes

Each node supports two modes: client and server. Only one server can exist and all clients will connect to it (Server must also not be behind a firewall).

Setup Cluster

All configurations will be in config.yaml under socket section.

Documentation And Tutorials
