aigoncharov / telegram-to-rss

Generate an RSS feed from Telegram chats. You digital minimalism friend.
MIT License
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rss telegram


Generate an RSS feed from your Telegram chats. You digital minimalism friend.

How to get the most of it

Digital minimalism is a strategy to help people optimize their use of technology and keep from being overwhelmed by it.

  1. Create a separate Telegram account to subscribe to various channels available only as Telegram feeds (yep, they exist!)
  2. Convert all of them to RSS feeds using this app
  3. Be in power of your information consumption with a single place to get it - your RSS reader!

Quick start


  1. Get api_id an api_hash at
  2. Create a docker compose file and replace the environment variables (see Configuration for details)

         image: aigoncharov/telegram-to-rss:latest
         container_name: telegram-to-rss
         restart: always
            - TG_API_ID=REPLACE_ME
            - TG_API_HASH=REPLACE_ME
            - BASE_URL=REPLACE_ME
            - 3042:3042
            - data:/data
      data: null
    networks: {}
  3. Run docker compose up
  4. Go to
  5. Scan the QR code with your Telegram app
    1. If there is an AUTH_ERROR, restart the docker compose stack
  6. Give it a few seconds to log in
  7. Get redirected to a page with a list of all your chats available as RSS feeds.
    1. If the list is incomplete, give it a few minutes on the first start to generate the RSS feeds.
    2. Subsequent updates should be much faster!

Bare bone Python

  1. pip install telegram-to-rss
  2. Get api_id an api_hash at
  3. Run in your terminal TG_API_ID=api_id TG_API_HASH=api_hash BASE_URL=server_url python telegram_to_rss
    1. Example: TG_API_ID=00000000 TG_API_HASH=7w8sdsd3g334r333refdwd3qqrwe python telegram_to_rss
  4. If you have 2FA enabled on your Telegram account set TG_PASSWORD with your account password as well: TG_API_ID=api_id TG_API_HASH=api_hash TG_PASSWORD=your_password BASE_URL=server_url python telegram_to_rss
  5. Go to
  6. Scan the QR code with your Telegram app
    1. If there is an AUTH_ERROR, restart telegram-to-rss
  7. Give it a few seconds to log in
  8. Get redirected to a page with a list of all your chats available as RSS feeds.
    1. If the list is incomplete, give it a few minutes on the first start to generate the RSS feeds.
    2. Subsequent updates should be much faster!


Available environment variables (* marks required ones):