aiidateam / aiida-website

The primary website for AiiDA
MIT License
1 stars 7 forks source link


The primary website for AiiDA.

How to add a post

Clone this repository and create a new branch.

Then, either run python -h or follow the steps manually:

  1. Create a Markdown file in docs/news/posts, named by the date and keyword.
  2. Add the ablog topmatter to the page
  3. Write in MyST Markdown
  4. If the post announces or reports on an event, then update the docs/events.yaml file.

Finally, create a PR to this repository.


The top-matter category should be one of the following:

You can use the update directive to note an update to an existing post.

Use the subfigure directive, to arrange multiple images in a figure.

Building the documentation locally

Install and run tox to install a local virtual environment and build the documentation, or directly install requirements.txt and run: sphinx-build -nW --keep-going -b html docs/ docs/_build/html.

To check HTML links, run tox -e linkcheck or sphinx-build -b linkcheck docs/ docs/_build/linkcheck.