aikaterna / gobcog

RPG Adventure Cog for Red v3
44 stars 70 forks source link


In this RPG cog originally by locastan - TrustyJAID, Draper, and myself have crafted a fun idle game you can play with the members of your servers.

>>> This branch is compatible with Red 3.5, and not 3.4.x <<<

If you need a Red 3.4 version of this cog, see here.

Basic Usage

[p] in this readme represents your bot's command prefix. Whenever you see a command in this guide, you can receive more detailed help by using [p]help with the command name.

To start an adventure, use [p]adventure or [p]a. Reactions will appear underneath the text of the adventure randomly selected for your group. Use πŸ—‘ to attack the monster, ✨ to use magic on the monster, πŸ—¨ to talk with the monster, πŸ› to pray to the god Herbert (customizable). The more people helping the easier it is to defeat the monster and acquire its loot.


Classes can be chosen at level 10 by using [p]heroclass. Available classes are Tinkerer, Berserker, Wizard, Cleric, Ranger and Bard. A prestige class called Psychic is available at Rebirth level 20 (more on the rebirthing system below).

Main Stats: Attack (ATT/ATK), Charisma/Diplomacy (CHA/DIPL), Intelligence (INT)
Minor Stats: Dexterity (DEX), Luck (LUCK/LUK)

While each class has a main stat that benefits them more than others, Dexterity and Luck benefit every class. Dexterity can lessen your repair bills after a failed adventure and help your hero get critical hits, while luck can benefit the outcome of special attacks, reduce cooldown times, augment critical strikes, affect loot chest outcomes, and reduce the price of items.

Tinkerers can forge two different items into a device bound to their very soul.
Special ability: Use the [p]forge command.

Berserkers have the option to rage and add big bonuses to attacks, but fumbles hurt.
Use the [p]rage command when attacking in an adventure.

Clerics can bless the entire group when praying.
Use the [p]bless command when fighting in an adventure.

Rangers can gain a special pet, which can find items and give reward bonuses.
Use the [p]pet command to try to catch a pet companion. Pet catching can be spammy, so [p]pet can be run in DMs.
[p]pet forage sends a pet to search for items, and [p]pet free will free your companion in case you wish to try your hand at capturing something that brings in more gold and loot from fights.

Wizards have the option to focus and add large bonuses to their magic, but their focus can sometimes go astray...
Use the [p]focus command when attacking in an adventure.

Bards can perform to aid their comrades in diplomacy.
Use the [p]music command when being diplomatic in an adventure.

Psychics can show the enemy's weaknesses to their group allowing them to target the monster's weak-points.
Use the [p]insight command in an adventure.

Basic Commands for Players

[p]adventure or [p]a



[p]equip / [p]unequip

[p]negaverse or [p]nv





More Advanced Commands for Players

[p]backpack disassemble

Monsters, Adventures, and the Numbers

When an adventure is over, an output of the outcome is displayed. Sometimes the numbers won't seem to match up - why did that owlspider resist your 1,000 magic damage that you threw at it - and the output says 680 damage instead? Each monster has a resistance table where they could be resistant to magic like in this example, and it mitigated a good chunk of the attack. Having a balanced group across all classes is where adventure really shines - physical and magical damage is combined in adventures, and charisma stands alone in its persuading power to turn the fight around without fighting. Successful prayers by clerics over large groups augment damage of both damage types. If a group defeats an adventure on "both sides" of the damage (both physical+magical and diplomacy) the rewards are greater for the whole group.


Items can be looted from loot chests received from a successful adventure or bought from a Trader Cart that appears in chat.

Going from least to most powerful, generally the progression is normal < rare < epic < Legendary < Ascended < Set. Forged items are a Tinker's specialty. Event items can be created by a bot owner as a special reward to hand out to specific users for bot events or other incentive-based rewards.

{Event:''Event items look like this''}
{.:'Forged items look like this':.}
{Set:''Set items look like this''}
{Ascended:''Ascended items look like this''}
{Legendary:'Legendary items look like this'}
[epic items look like this]
normal items look like this

[p]setinfo displays information about gear sets and their bonuses.

Set items have a stacking set bonus. For example, if one set has 9 pieces, and [p]setinfo shows that it has a bonus at 3 pieces equipped, 6 pieces equipped, and 9 pieces equipped, all three of those bonuses will be applied if the player has all 9 pieces equipped.

Advanced Adventure for Admins/Bot Owners

Read [p]adventureset and familiarize yourself with the subcommands available in that command. A few of the commands are highlighted below as they offer options that affect the whole game and also the bot itself.

The bot owner can spawn specific adventure monsters that are in the theme list by using [p]adventure with the name of the monster.

Easy Mode vs Hard Mode

[p]adventureset easymode

Daily bonuses

[p]adventureset dailybonus

Certain days of the week receive certain bonuses for XP and gold which is configurable.

Adventure Gold vs. Red Economy credits

[p]adventureset sepcurrency

Adventure gold is the default currency of adventure, which is separate from Red credits. This gold currency can provide an opportunity for users to have fun collecting it aside from Red credits in other games or cogs. Cogs can be written to leverage adventure gold, so there are infinite possibilities on how to best use this extra currency for your bot. If you want a unified currency, or if you aren't interested in another currency for your users, it can be toggled off.

Adventure is a global (bot-wide) game in the idea that users use the same character across all servers the bot can see, but there are some things that provide different outcomes based on whether the bot is set to a global or server-based economy. For example with rebirth cost, if the Red bank/economy is in server-based mode, each server will be able to set their rebirth cost while if it is in global mode, only the bot owner will be able to use the command. In server-based mode, authorized users have either a bot Admin role (check [p]set showsettings to display Admin roles on Red), or they have the Manage Guild permission.

Make Your Own Adventure Theme

[p]adventureset theme

Copy the default folder in <datapath>/cogs/CogManager/adventure/data/ to the cog's data directory in <datapath>/cogs/Adventure/ and name it a one word folder name. Make your changes to the files while making sure to validate them with a site like Load your new theme with [p]adventureset theme <folder_name>.

The Trader Cart System

[p]adventureset cart <#channel>

Sometimes a traveling merchant cart will roll past offering new items for adventurers to buy or loot chests to purchase. Admins/Bot owners must set this cart channel first before carts will appear. Carts have roughly a 3h return time, but this is also configurable.

Adventure Alerts

If you want your users to be able to sign up for pings when specific monster types/potential boss monsters appear, install adventurealert by TrustyJAID (