ain / .dotfiles

My various dotfiles.
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My various dotfiles for macOS.


  1. Make sure the following files are backed up, if applicable:
    • ~/.gitignore
    • ~/.bash_profile
    • ~/.zprofile
    • ~/.zsh_profile
    • ~/.composer/composer.json
    • ~/.composer/composer.lock
  2. Move to .dotfiles folder
  3. Run ./install

Special commands

Command Description
claimspace <option> Claim all space that can be freed on disk.

-d include Docker
-p include MacPorts
dockerwipe Remove build cache, all stopped containers, and all networks, volumes, images that are not used by at least 1 container. Alias of docker system prune -a --volumes.
emptify <file> Empty given file
killcache Kill DNS cache  
whereami Display local and external IPs