AIQC is an open source Python package that provides a declarative API for end-to-end MLOps (dataset registration, preprocessing, experiment tracking, model evaluation, inference, post-processing, etc) in order to make deep learning more accessible to researchers.
The backend is a SQLite object-relational model (ORM) for machine learning objects (Dataset, Feature, Label, Splits, Algorithm, Job, etc). The high-level API stacks these building blocks into standardized workflows for various: analyses (classify, regress, generate), data types (tabular, sequence, image), and libraries (TensorFlow, PyTorch). The benefits of this approach are:
# Built on Python 3.7.12 to mirror Google Colab
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install --upgrade wheel
$ pip install --upgrade aiqc
# Monitor and evaluate models (from CLI)
$ python -m
# High-level API
from aiqc import mlops
# Declare preprocessing steps
# Define, train, & evaluate models
# Infer using original Pipeline
Official Installation Documentation: