airalab / robonomics

Robonomics node implementation for Polkadot ecosystem; Kusama parachain slot #2048 since January 2022
Apache License 2.0
215 stars 58 forks source link
iot node polkadot polkadot-sdk robotics rust substrate

= Robonomics

image:["Web3 Foundation Grants — Wave Two Recipient", link=""]

:Author: Robonomics Network Developers :Revision: 0.6.0 :toc: :sectnums:

image:["License", link=""] image:["CI Status", link=""] image:["Release", link=""] image:["Downloads", link=""] image:["Matrix", link=""]

Implementation of a node in Rust, based on the[Substrate framework].

This repo contains runtimes for the Earth Parachain, Mars Parachain, and Robonomics Relay chain networks. The README provides information about installing the robonomics binary and developing on the codebase. For more specific guides, like how to be a node, see the[Robonomics Wiki].

Robonomics platform includes a set of open-source packages and infrastructure for Robotics, Smart Cities and Industry 4.0 developers.

== Try it out

.[Get Node] and/or[Open Portal]. . Run the[Robonomics Playground].

== The Robonomics Crates

Structure of Robonomics followed:

Full docs available at

== Building from source

Ensure you have Rust and the support software installed:

[source, shell]

curl -sSf | sh

on Windows download and run rustup-init.exe

from instead

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly

[source, shell]

In case of error: toolchain 'nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' is not installed rustup toolchain install nightly

You will also need to install the following packages:

. Linux: [source, shell] sudo apt install cmake git clang libclang-dev protobuf-compiler

. Mac: [source, shell] brew install cmake pkg-config git llvm

. Windows (PowerShell): + [source, shell]

Install LLVM

Download and install the Pre Build Windows binaries

of LLVM from

Install robonomics node from git source.

[source, shell] cargo install --force --git --tag v1.0.0 robonomics-node

And then launch full node of robonomics testnet parachain.

[source, shell] robonomics

Or run your local development network.

[source, shell] robonomics --dev

=== Building with Nix

. Install Nix package manager: [source, shell] curl | sh

. Run in Nix shell: + [source, shell]

git clone --recursive && cd robonomics nix-shell --run "cargo run --release"

== Network maintaining

Currently Robonomics is maintained by developers but anyone can[support the project]. Every additional full node of blockchain helps it to be more sustainable and fault tolerant. Robonomics node binaries is available in[release] assets or it could be <<building-from-source,build from source>>.

=== Gatekeepers updates

Launch command: [source, shell]

robonomics --lighthouse [YOUR_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS]

== Robonomics I/O

Especially to make hardware interaction easy we introduce[robonomics_io] crate. This crate implements two kinds of devices: source - device that intended to read a data and sink - device that intended to write data. This approach suits the pipelines paradigm well and implemented in Robonomics CLI as io subcommand.

$ robonomics io
robonomics-io 0.25.1
Run I/O actions using Robonomics Framework.

    robonomics io [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    help     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    read     Read information from device
    write    Write information into device

For example, the sentence that simple read value from Nova SDS011 sensor is followed.

$ robonomics io read sds011

Is it also possible to combine IO actions to get something useful. Following sentence reads JSON values from a sensor and publishes it into my-sensor-data topic.

$ robonomics io read sds011 | robonomics io write pubsub my-sensor-data

Read[full guide on wiki].

== Robotics integration

Of course, Robonomics should integrate open-source robotics, our main target is[ROS]-enabled robots. The node implements a few features to make robotics integration as easy as it possible.