airavata-courses / RandomError

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Team: Random Error

Team Members:

1.Ashlesha Shinde.
2.Sairaj Gaonkar.
3.Bhakti Narvekar.

Assignment No. 1:


This document provides the instructions to run the application on your machine.

Clone the project

1. Switch to 'assn1' branch.
2. git clone

Change to project directory

cd RandomError

Running each module:

1. API Broker

This micro-service is the API gateway to interact with other services.

Language used:



Any suitable IDE (preferably IntelliJ, Eclipse) to run Java Spring project with Maven Plugin.
RabbitMQ : Please follow the link

Run the code: Open demo folder in IDE.

run the class '' (src/main/java/com/example/demo/
This will start the service on port 8080.
After starting all the below services visit: http://localhost:8080/homeLogin

2.UserManagement Service:

This micro-service is for registration and login activities.

Language used:



Any suitable IDE (preferably IntelliJ, Eclipse) to run Java Spring project with Maven Plugin.
MongoDB Atlas is used as Database.

Run the code: Open UserManagementBacked Folder in IDE.

run the class '' (com/randomerror/usermanagement/receive/main/
This will start the service on port 8081.

3. SessionManagement Service:

This micro-service is for storing the sessions and retrieving them.

Language used:



Any suitable IDE (preferably Visual Studio Code) to run NodeJS files.
MongoDB Atlas is used as Database.

Install required libraries

Open Command Prompt/Terminal
Move to the directory sessionmanagement-service inside RandomError folder.
Install all the below mentioned packages

npm install --save mongoose
npm install --save express
npm install --save mongodb
npm install --save body-parser
npm install --save amqplib

Run the code

Open Terminal in IDE or open Command Prompt/Terminal
Move to the directory sessionmanagement-service inside RandomError folder.
node savetodb.js

Open Terminal in IDE or open Command Prompt/Terminal
Move to the directory sessionmanagement-service inside RandomError folder.
node sendtoqueue.js

3. Data Retrieval Service and Data Analysis Service:

Language Used:


Install required libraries


1. Install Anaconda
2. Open Anaconda prompt and go to the path /RandomError
3. Use the link ->
    Use commands mentioned in the above link to install pyart
4. pip install pika
5. pip install nexradaws

MacOSX / Linux:

Open the terminal and run the following commands
1. pip install pika
2. pip install nexradaws
3. pip install arm-pyart
4. pip install netCDF4


1. Go the respective folder Open a new Anaconda prompt or the terminal and type "python"
2. Open a new Anaconda prompt or the terminal and type "python"


The final result will be saved in plots folder which is in the root directory of the repository.

Assignment No. 2:


  1. Switch to branch -> test
  2. Make a commit on 'test' branch which will automatically trigger the build on Jenkins.
  3. You can check the build progress on -> (username:- randomerror, password:-randomerror)
  4. After the build is complete, run the UI on ->
  5. To ssh into Kubernetes master use the key 'RandomError-api-key' that is present on branch 'test' and run the following command:-
    • ssh -i RandomError-api-key ubuntu@
  6. Run the following commands on the Kubernetes master ( to view plots:-
    • kubectl exec -it data-modeling-pod-name -- /bin/bash
    • cd plots
    • ls