AirDC++ version | Total downloads | AppVeyor |
Windows 10/11
AirDC++ Web Client is available for other operating systems.
Component | Status |
Core | Active |
Web API | Active |
Web UI | Active |
Windows GUI | Bug fixes only |
New maintainers and contributions are welcome for the Windows GUI
env variable pointing to the vcpkg installation directoryRun the following commands in the repository root:
cmake --preset=<preset-name>
cmake --build --preset=<preset-name>
Replace <preset-name>
with one of the presets listed under cmake --list-presets
You can simply use the Open a local folder
option in Visual Studio.
Alternatively you may also generate the Visual Studio project files with the following command:
cmake "-DCMAKE_VS_GLOBALS=UseMultiToolTask=true;EnforceProcessCountAcrossBuilds=true" -B msvc -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" --preset=<preset-name>_