airdcpp / airdcpp-windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AirDC++ for Windows

Supported operating systems

Windows 10/11

AirDC++ Web Client is available for other operating systems.

Current development status

Component Status
Core Active
Web API Active
Web UI Active
Windows GUI Bug fixes only

New maintainers and contributions are welcome for the Windows GUI


Required tools

Building from command line

Run the following commands in the repository root:

cmake --preset=<preset-name>

cmake --build --preset=<preset-name>

Replace <preset-name> with one of the presets listed under cmake --list-presets

Opening in Visual Studio

You can simply use the Open a local folder option in Visual Studio.

Alternatively you may also generate the Visual Studio project files with the following command:

cmake "-DCMAKE_VS_GLOBALS=UseMultiToolTask=true;EnforceProcessCountAcrossBuilds=true" -B msvc -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" --preset=<preset-name>_