airgap-it / beacon-android-sdk

The beacon sdk allows Android developers of dApps and wallets on Tezos to implement the wallet interaction standard tzip-10.
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beacon beacon-sdk dapps tezos wallet

Beacon Android SDK

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Connect Wallets with dApps on Tezos

Beacon is an implementation of the wallet interaction standard tzip-10 which describes the connection of a dApp with a wallet.


The Beacon Android SDK provides Android developers with tools useful for setting up communication between native wallets supporting Tezos and dApps that implement beacon-sdk.


To add Beacon Android SDK into your project:

  1. Make sure the JitPack repository is included in your root build.gradle file:


    allprojects {
    repositories {
      maven { url '' }


    allprojects {
    repositories {
  2. Add the dependencies:


    dependencies {
    def beacon_version = "x.y.z"
    // REQUIRED, core
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:core:$beacon_version"
    // optional, client-dapp
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:client-dapp:$beacon_version"
    // optional, client-wallet
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:client-wallet:$beacon_version"
    // optional, client-wallet-compat
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:client-wallet-compat:$beacon_version"
    // optional, blockchain-substrate
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:blockchain-substrate:$beacon_version"
    // optional, blockchain-tezos
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:blockchain-tezos:$beacon_version"
    // optional, transport-p2p-matrix
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:transport-p2p-matrix:$beacon_version"
    // alternatively, all modules
    implementation "com.github.airgap-it:beacon-android-sdk:$beacon_version"


    dependencies {
    val beaconVersion = "x.y.z"
    // REQUIRED, core
    // optional, client-dapp
    // optional, client-wallet
    // optional, client-wallet-compat
    // optional, blockchain-substrate
    // optional, blockchain-tezos
    // optional, transport-p2p-matrix
    // alternatively, all modules

    Proguard and R8

Beacon Android SDK internally uses various libraries that may require custom ProGuard rules. If you're using ProGuard or R8, please follow the guides listed below to make sure your app works correctly after obfuscation:


See the list of known issues and how to fix them if you run into problems after adding the dependencies.


The documentation can be found here.

Project Overview

The project consists of the following modules:


Core modules are the basis for other modules. They are required for the SDK to work as expected.

Module Description Dependencies Required by
:core Base for other modules ✖️ :client-wallet




Client modules ship with Beacon implementations for different parts of the network.

Module Description Dependencies Required by
:client-dapp Beacon implementation for dApps :core ✖️
:client-wallet Beacon implementation for wallets :core :client-wallet-compat
:client-wallet-compat Provides a supplementary interface for :client-wallet for use without Coroutines :core


Blockchain modules provide support for different blockchains.

Module Description Dependencies Required by
:blockchain-substrate Substrate specific components :core ✖️
:blockchain-tezos Tezos specific components :core ✖️


Transport modules provide various interfaces used to establish connection between Beacon clients.

Module Description Dependencies Required by
:transport-p2p-matrix Beacon P2P implementation which uses Matrix for the communication :core ✖️


Demo modules provide examples of how to use the library.

Module Description
:demo Example application


The snippets below show how to quickly setup a wallet listening for incoming Beacon messages in Kotlin with coroutines.

For more examples or examples of how to use the SDK without coroutines or in Java, please see our demo app (WIP).

Create a Beacon wallet client and listen for incoming requests

import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.substrate.substrate
import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.tezos.tezos
import it.airgap.beaconsdk.client.wallet.BeaconWalletClient
import it.airgap.beaconsdk.transport.p2p.matrix.p2pMatrix

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
  lateinit var client: BeaconWalletClient

  // ...

  suspend fun listenForBeaconMessages() {
    // create a wallet Beacon client that can listen for Substrate and Tezos messages via Matrix network 
    client = BeaconWalletClient("My App") {
        support(substrate(), tezos())    

    myCoroutineScope.launch {
      // subscribe to a message Flow
      client.connect().collect { /* process messages */ }


See the below guides to learn how to migrate your existing code to new Beacon Android SDK versions.

From <v3.0.0

As of v3.0.0, not only has Beacon Android SDK been further split into new modules, it has also become more generic in terms of supported blockchains and transports. This means that in some parts the values that had been previously set by default now must be configured manually or that various structures have changed their location or definition. To make sure your existing Beacon integration will be set up the same way as it used to be before v3.0.0 do the following:

  1. Remove the old dependency and add core, client-wallet, blockchain-tezos and transport-p2p-matrix modules.
def beaconVersion = "3.0.0"

/* <v3.0.0: implementation "com.github.airgap-it:beacon-android-sdk:$beaconVersion" */

implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:core:$beaconVersion"

implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:client-wallet:$beaconVersion"
implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:blockchain-tezos:$beaconVersion"
implementation "com.github.airgap-it.beacon-android-sdk:transport-p2p-matrix:$beaconVersion"
  1. Replace the old BeaconClient with the new BeaconWalletClient (client-wallet) and configure it with Tezos blockchain (blockchain-tezos) and P2pMatrix transport (transport-p2p-matrix).
    import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.tezos.tezos
    import it.airgap.beaconsdk.client.wallet.BeaconWalletClient
    import it.airgap.beaconsdk.transport.p2p.matrix.p2pMatrix

/ <v3.0.0: val client = BeaconClient("MyApp") / val client = BeaconWalletClient("MyApp") { support(tezos())
use(P2P(p2pMatrix())) }

3. Adjust the message handling code.
/* <v3.0.0:
 * when (beaconRequest) {
 *    is PermissionBeaconRequest -> { ... }
 *    is OperationBeaconRequest -> { ... }
 *    is SignPayloadBeaconRequest -> { ... }
 *    is BroadcastBeaconRequest -> { ... } 
 * }

import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.tezos.message.request.PermissionTezosRequest
import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.tezos.message.request.BroadcastTezosRequest
import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.tezos.message.request.OperationTezosRequest
import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.tezos.message.request.SignPayloadTezosRequest

when (beaconRequest) {
    is PermissionTezosRequest -> { /* ... */ }
    is OperationTezosRequest -> { /* ... */ }
    is SignPayloadTezosRequest -> { /* ... */ }
    is BroadcastTezosRequest -> { /* ... */ }
    else -> { /* ... */ }
/* <v3.0.0:
 * val response = OperationBeaconResponse.from(
 *    operationRequest, //: OperationBeaconRequest 
 *    transactionHash,
 * ) 
import it.airgap.beaconsdk.blockchain.tezos.message.response.OperationTezosResponse

val response = OperationTezosResponse.from(
    blockchainBeaconRequest, //: OperationTezosRequest 
/* <v3.0.0:
 * val errorResponse = ErrorBeaconResponse.from(
 *    broadcastRequest, //: BroadcastBeaconRequest 
 *    BeaconError.BroadcastError,
 * ) 


val errorResponse = ErrorBeaconResponse.from(
    broadcastRequest, //: BroadcastTezosRequest


The project is built with Gradle.

Product Flavors

There are the following product flavors configured:


Android Studio

Before building the project in Android Studio make sure the active build variant uses the prod flavor.

Command Line

Build all modules:

$ ./gradlew assembleProd

Build a single module:

$ ./gradlew :${module}:assembleProd

Run Tests

Android Studio

Before running the tests in Android Studio make sure the active build variant uses the mock flavor.

Command Line

$ ./gradlew testMock{Release|Debug}UnitTest

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