airmon-ster / SCCT-LAN-Breakout

PS2 Splinter Cell Chaos Theory LAN over the internet
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With the Ubisoft servers being down for Splinter Cell Choas Theory for quite some time, a number of hosted services have cropped up that allow for LAN games to be played over technologies such as VPNs, tunnels, etc.

However, these hosted services have a number of issues that have inspired this simple workaround. Extra cloud processing, encryption, encapsulation, excessive broadcast traffic, and others all add latency to the equation. Not to mention there have been times that these services undergo maintenance and stop play all together.

Having said that, this workout will only work for the PS2 version of SCCT by emulating a server that relies on spoofed UDP packets that redirect the PS2 to the game host's server over the internet.

Via Port Forwarding (100% Success rate)


Via Firewall Hole Punching V2 (Testing Phase)



Test server is currently up at Later efforts will auto-healthcheck this and report appropriately.