airvolute / dcs-deploy

GNU General Public License v3.0
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dcs-deploy packages serves as a tool for flashing Nvidia Jetson family devices supporting airvolute hardware. It is developed for Python 3 only.




sudo apt install qemu-user-static sshpass abootimg lbzip2  


pip install wget  

Basic usage

  1. Put Jetson into force recovery mode

    • Short FC pin with ground on DCS boards (See Control section for your specific board. This example is for DCS 2.0 pilot board.)
    • You can check if the device is really in force recovery mode with lsusb command. There should be Nvidia entry in the query.
    • Next, connect the device to the host pc using dev micro usb connector - again example for DCS 2.0 board.
  2. cd into dcs-deploy repo

    cd /path/to/dcs-deploy
  3. Run For example:

    python3 flash xavier_nx 51 1.2 nvme full

    You can list supported configs with:

    python3 list
  4. After a successful flash, the Jetson will boot and can be logged in using SSH with default credentials:

    • login: dcs_user
    • password: dronecore

If you shut the Jetson down after flash and then boot it again, make sure you remove cable/jumper that enables Force recovery mode.

Flashing the device again with existing config

If you run the script with flash flag, it will re-initialize the Linux for Tegra folder each time. If you just want to re-use the folder and flash the same config to multiple devices, use nvidia flashing script:

  1. Change directory to to kernel_flash dir

    cd ~/.dcs_deploy/flash/<config_name>/Linux_for_tegra/tools/kernel_flash
  2. Launch script with appropriate parameters

    # nvme
    sudo ./ --flash-only --external-only --external-device nvme0n1p1 -c flash_l4t_external_custom.xml --showlogs airvolute-dcs1.2+p3668-0001-qspi-emmc nvme0n1p1
    # emmc
    sudo ./ --flash-only airvolute-dcs1.2+p3668-0001-qspi-emmc mmcblk0p1


Custom root filesystem

You can use your own root filesystem (rootfs) by providing path to it using --rootfs flag. The script will use it as is, without any modifications. Using custom rootfs is useful if you want to create backup of your system or you just don't want to install all the software you typically use on the device each time after flashing.

Preparing your own rootfs image

Please run following commands on the Jetson device:

$ mkdir ~/rootfs_merged
$ cd rootfs_merged
$ sudo tar jxpf ../linux-sample-root-filesystem-r3521aarch64tbz2_original
$ cd ~
$ sudo rsync -axHAWX --numeric-ids --info=progress2 --exclude={"/dev/","/proc/","/sys/","/tmp/","/run/","/mnt/","/media/*","/lost+found","/home/dcs_user/rootfs_merged","/home/dcs_user/.ssh"} / rootfs_merged
$ sudo tar -cf rootfs_merged.tar -C rootfs_merged .
$ pbzip2 -k rootfs_merged.tar # output rootfs_merged.tar.bz2

Then you can copy rootfs_merged.tar.bz2 to your host pc and use point to it with --rootfs flag.

Flashing to specific UUID, multiple nvme drives

If you want to use multiple nvme drives, this is not an issue. Just make sure you plug out secondary NVME during flashing process. After the flashing is successful, you can plug in the secondary NVME. The device will then always boot from the primary NVME (the one that was plugged in during the flashing process).


Keep in mind, that we tried to make this tool as much effective as possible. So, following rules apply:

Purging SSH keys

If you accidentally (or intentionally) left public keys in the rootfs, those are automatically purged. Otherwise each device you flash would be accessible from your host PC which we find harmful. If you feel you want to do this, please find it inside file and comment it out.

Basic first boot settings

There were some issues specific to our platform and to the Jetsons in general, so we decided to fix them after the flashing or to be more specific - after the first boot. The resources/dcs_first_boot.service file is a service that is run at only at the first boot. It runs never again. The service runs resources/ script on the Jetson device and does following:



The script can be used instead of Nvidia SDK manager regarding Airvolute hardware. The main advantages are that this package is lightweight and can be used across different Linux distros or Ubuntu versions (SDK manager is strictly tied between Ubuntu and JetPack version). The script does 3 steps in general:

  1. Download Nvidia and custom Airvolute files.
  2. Prepare filesystem, which is ready for flashing.
  3. Flash the device supporting Airvolute boards. dcs-deploy package leverages many of Nvidia provided scripts.


Preparing the filesystem is crucial for successful device flashing, despite the carrier board manufacturer. The script prepares/extracts:

  1. Linux For Tegra folder provided by Nvidia.
  2. Airvolute overlay, which satisfies carrier board support (HW) for Jetson devices, that are supported at the moment.
  3. Airvolute root filesystem, which is in fact used as a subfolder inside Linux For Tegra folder. At this time, this is just a barebones minimal clean filesystem generated by Nvidia tools. We expect to populate this filesystem with custom Airvolute software in the near future.

As a root of this filesystem, .dcs_deploy folder is created inside host pc HOME directory. The structure of the folder:

├─ download/
│  ├─ <source webpage hostname>/<path to resource without "download/downloads">
│  ├─ .../
├─ flash/
│  ├─ config_1/
│  ├─ config_2/
│  ├─ .../
├─ downloaded_versions.json

Hardware Supporting System Services (systemctl)

Cube (Autopilot) Connection

DebugLogLevel = info
TcpServerPort = 0
# Leave to TCP if using SITL
# Main connection to AutoPilot
[UartEndpoint cube]
Device = /dev/ttyTHS0
Baud = 921600

# Note that this is for communication through dev micro USB. 
# if you want to use any other interface, change address accordingly. 
[UdpEndpoint GCS]
Mode = Normal
Address =
Port = 14550

Known limitations


1. Verifying 1st boot configuration

To verify, that the full deployment is sucesfull and that the first boot configuration is done you can run these commands on target:

During 1st boot (right after the flashing is completed):

$ journalctl -u dcs_first_boot

Expected outcome (at the end, you can also check each command's output):

dcs systemd[1]: dcs_first_boot.service: Succeeded.

After 1st boot.

sudo uhubctl

Expected outcome: List of usb hub port with port 6 disabled.

If the output is not as expected, please reboot the device and run after 1st boot command. If the issue with usbhub is persistent please reflash the device.

2. Device is not booting

3. Flashing issues

On new host kernels, USB flashing problems can happen eg.: ERROR: might be timeout in USB write. see listing 1). New kernels have enabled USB autosuspend functionality which causes flashing errors. Use following commands to stop usb autosuspend:

$ sudo su
# echo -1 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend

[ 0.0378 ] mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from --mb1_bin [ 0.0378 ] psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from --psc_bl1_bin [ 0.0378 ] rcm boot with presigned binaries [ 0.0384 ] tegrarcm_v2 --instance 6-2.4 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt [ 0.0389 ] BR_CID: 0x80012344705DD190400000000F0201C0 [ 0.1299 ] Sending bct_br [ 0.1454 ] ERROR: might be timeout in USB write.