aistairc / mf-api

An open-source Python server implementation of the OGC API - MovingFeatures with pygeoapi and MobilityDB.
MIT License
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mobilitydb ogc ogc-api ogc-movingfeatures pygeoapi pymeos

OGC API - MovingFeatures Server (MF-API Server)

MF-API Server is an open-source Python server implementation of the OGC API – MovingFeatures with pygeoapi and MobilityDB.

OGC API – MovingFeatures (OGC API – MF) provides a uniform way to access, communicate, and manage data about moving features across different applications, data providers, and data consumers. It includes operations for filtering, sorting, and aggregating moving feature data based on location, time, and other properties. MF-API Server implements a standard interface which is defined in the OGC API – MovingFeatures – Part 1:Core. The summary of the supported API is described in the below table.

URL Path Supported HTTP(s) Methods
/api GET
/conformance GET
/collections GET,POST
/collections/{c_id} GET,DELETE,PUT
/collections/{c_id}/items GET,POST
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id} GET,DELETE
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id}/tgsequence GET,POST
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id}/tgsequence/{tg_id} DELETE
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id}/tgsequence/{tg_id}/distance GET
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id}/tgsequence/{tg_id}/velocity GET
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id}/tgsequence/{tg_id}/acceleration GET
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id}/tproperties GET,POST
/collections/{c_id}/items/{mf_id}/tproperties/{tp_name} GET,POST,DELETE

The implementation of the MF-API Server is basically a modification and extension of pygeoapi. The basic idea is to modify the minimum amount of code that needs to be modified ( and based on the scenario of supporting OGC API – MF using Swagger UI in pygeoapi. In addition, we added and modified code ( and to store and query web resources defined in the OGC API – MF using MobilityDB. The overall flow of the process is shown in the figure below.


Docker Container

Docker container with MF-API Server is available here. This image is based on the official MobilityDB docker image (Tag:14-3.2-1). Please refer to them for more information.

If you have installed docker in your system, you can run MF-API Server as below:

docker pull
docker run -p 8085:8085 -p 25432:5432 -d --name mf-api-server
docker exec mf-api-server ./

And then you can connect to the homepage with the below URL:


[!NOTE] To Do Lists

  • Need to improve with docker-compose with separate docker images (MF-API-Server and MobilityDB)

Building & Installation

Detail instructions ## 1. Database construction ### 1-1) Install Postgresql - Create the file repository configuration: ```commandline sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' ``` - Import the repository signing key: ```commandline wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - ``` - Update the package lists: ```commandline sudo apt-get update ``` - Install PostgreSQL version 14: ```commandline sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-14 ``` - Install PostGIS ```commandline sudo apt -y install postgresql-14-postgis-3 ``` - Change permissions to edit files ```commandline sudo chmod 777 /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf sudo chmod 777 /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf ``` - Open file /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf and add at the end ```commandline sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf > host all all md5 ``` - Open file /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf and configure as follows ```commandline sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf > listen_addresses = '*' > shared_preload_libraries = 'postgis-3' > max_locks_per_transaction = 128 ``` - Restore the original permissions ```commandline sudo chmod 640 /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf ``` - Log in as postgres user ```commandline sudo -i -u postgres ``` - Start postgresql service ```commandline service postgresql restart ``` ### 1-2) Install MobilityDB - Update package list ```commandline sudo apt update sudo apt -y upgrade ``` - Install the required packages ```commandline sudo apt install build-essential cmake libproj-dev libjson-c-dev ``` - Install postgresql-server-dev-14 ```commandline sudo apt install postgresql-server-dev-14 sudo apt install libgeos-dev => Install if error in cmake sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev => Install if error in cmake ``` - Download mobilityDB package ```commandline wget unzip mv MobilityDB-1.0 MobilityDB ``` - Create mobilityDB installation file ```commandline mkdir MobilityDB/build cd MobilityDB/build cmake .. make ``` - Execute mobilityDB installation file ```commandline sudo make install ``` ### 1-3) Create database and extension - Log in as postgres user ``` sudo -i -u postgres ``` - Set password for user postgres ``` psql -c "alter role postgres with password 'postgres'" ``` - Create database ``` createdb mobility ``` - Create extension ``` psql mobility -c "CREATE EXTENSION PostGIS" psql mobility -c "CREATE EXTENSION MobilityDB" psql mobility -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"' ``` ### 1-4) Create tables & views (same as /sql/mf-api.sql) ```commandline psql mobility ``` ```postgresql -- Table collection CREATE TABLE public.collection ( collection_id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4 (), collection_property jsonb NULL, PRIMARY KEY (collection_id) ); -- Table MovingFeature CREATE TABLE public.mfeature ( collection_id uuid NOT NULL, mFeature_id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4 (), mf_geometry geometry NULL, mf_property jsonb NULL, PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mFeature_id), FOREIGN KEY (collection_id) REFERENCES collection(collection_id) ); -- Table TemporalGeometry CREATE TABLE public.tgeometry ( collection_id uuid NOT NULL, mFeature_id uuid NOT NULL, tGeometry_id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4 (), tGeometry_property tgeompoint NULL, PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mFeature_id, tGeometry_id), FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mFeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mFeature_id) ); -- Table TemporalProperty CREATE TABLE public.tproperties ( collection_id uuid NOT NULL, mFeature_id uuid NOT NULL, tProperties_Name text NOT NULL, tProperty jsonb NULL, PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mFeature_id, tProperties_Name), FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mFeature_id) REFERENCES mfeature(collection_id, mFeature_id) ); -- Table TemporalValues CREATE TABLE public.tpropertiesvalue ( collection_id uuid NOT NULL, mFeature_id uuid NOT NULL, tProperties_Name text NOT NULL, pValue_id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4 (), pvalue_float tfloat NULL, pvalue_text ttext NULL, PRIMARY KEY (collection_id, mFeature_id, tProperties_Name, pValue_id), FOREIGN KEY (collection_id, mFeature_id, tProperties_Name) REFERENCES tproperties(collection_id, mFeature_id, tProperties_Name) ); ``` ```postgresql -- View of the combination of collection and MovingFeature CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.collection_mfeature_view AS SELECT collection.collection_id, collection.collection_property, string_agg(DISTINCT st_srid(mfeature.mf_geometry)::text, ';'::text) AS crs, Max(ST_NDims(mfeature.mf_geometry)) as ndims, st_extent(mfeature.mf_geometry)::text AS bbox, st_3dextent(mfeature.mf_geometry)::text AS bbox3d, st_extent(mfeature.mf_geometry)::geometry AS extent, st_3dextent(mfeature.mf_geometry)::geometry AS extent3d FROM collection LEFT JOIN mfeature ON collection.collection_id = mfeature.collection_id GROUP BY collection.collection_id, collection.collection_property; -- Permissions ALTER TABLE public.collection_mfeature_view OWNER TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.collection_mfeature_view TO postgres; -- View of the combination of MovingFeature and TemporalGeometry CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.mfeature_tgeometry_view AS SELECT mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id, st_asgeojson(mfeature.mf_geometry) AS mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property, string_agg(DISTINCT srid(tgeometry.tgeometry_property)::text, ';'::text) AS crs, extent(tgeometry.tgeometry_property)::text AS bbox, extent(tgeometry.tgeometry_property)::geometry AS extent FROM mfeature LEFT JOIN tgeometry ON mfeature.collection_id = tgeometry.collection_id AND mfeature.mfeature_id = tgeometry.mfeature_id GROUP BY mfeature.collection_id, mfeature.mfeature_id, mfeature.mf_geometry, mfeature.mf_property; -- Permissions ALTER TABLE public.mfeature_tgeometry_view OWNER TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.mfeature_tgeometry_view TO postgres; -- View of converting TemporalGeometry's tgeompoint data to mfjson CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.tgeometry_view AS SELECT tgeometry.collection_id, tgeometry.mfeature_id, tgeometry.tgeometry_id, asmfjson(tgeometry.tgeometry_property) as tgeometry_property, tgeometry.tgeometry_property::geometry AS geom FROM tgeometry; -- Permissions ALTER TABLE public.tgeometry_view OWNER TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.tgeometry_view TO postgres; ``` ## 2. Pygeoapi construction ### 2-1) Install Python - Execute the following three lines of command to install python 3.9 ```commandline sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3.9-dev python3.9-venv ``` ### 2-2) Install pygeoapi - Run in etc folder。 ```commandline cd /etc ``` - Create pygeoapi folder, create and activate virtual environment ```commandline sudo mkdir pygeoapi cd pygeoapi sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/pygeoapi/ python3 -m venv pygeoapi cd pygeoapi source bin/activate ``` - download mf-api(pygeoapi) ```commandline git clone ``` - Install the required packages ```commandline cd mf-api pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` - Execute pygeoapi installation ```commandline python3 install ``` - Run bash file to configure file ```commandline bash ``` - Restore the original permissions ```commandline sudo chmod -R 755 /etc/pygeoapi/ ``` - Set environment path ```commandline export PYGEOAPI_CONFIG=example-config.yml export PYGEOAPI_OPENAPI=example-openapi.yml ``` ### 2-3) Install required libraries in virtual environment - MEOS (Mobility Engine, Open Source) is a C library which enables the manipulation of temporal and spatio-temporal data based on MobilityDB's data types and functions ``` pip install pymeos ``` - A Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible ``` pip install -U flask-cors ``` - SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL ``` pip install SQLAlchemy ``` - GeoAlchemy 2 is a Python toolkit for working with spatial databases ``` pip install GeoAlchemy2 ``` - Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language ``` pip install psycopg2-binary ``` - MobilityDB-python is a database adapter to access MobilityDB from Python ``` pip install python-mobilitydb ``` ## 3. Start pygeoapi - Start server ```commandline pygeoapi serve ``` - Run in another terminal and open homepage ```commandline curl http://localhost:8085 # Or open in web browser ```