aistairc / virtualhome_aist

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This is an extended VirtualHome based on VirtualHome v2.2 with some additional functions.

For more information about original VirtualHome v2.2, please see here.

What is New

How to use

Download Unity Simulator

Download the VirtualHome UnitySimulator executable and move it under simulation/unity_simulator.

Test simulator

To test the simulator in a local machine, double click the executable.

Generating Videos and JSON data

To use the functions added by VirtualHome-AIST, please see here.


A framework to convert VirtualHome execution results into knowledge graphs.

For more information, please visit here.


Datasets created using VirtualHome-AIST and VirtualHome2KG are available here.


A visualization tool was developed to simultaneously check the generated videos and corresponding knowledge graphs.

VirtualHome-AIST Unity Source Code

Please visit here.


Shusaku Egami, Takanori Ugai, Swe Nwe Nwe Htun, Ken Fukuda: "VHAKG: A Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Based on Synchronized Multi-view Videos of Daily Activities." Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2024), to appear, 2024.10 [preprint]

author="Shusaku Egami
and Takanori Ugai
and Swe Nwe Nwe Htun
and Ken Fukuda",
title="{VHAKG}: A Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Based on Synchronized Multi-view Videos of Daily Activities",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management",
note="to appear",