ajam / pulp

A vivacious viewer for web comics.
MIT License
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How to view on mobile? #46

Open Moonbeam111 opened 6 years ago

Moonbeam111 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this great tool for comics, I have a few particular questions as far as viewing on mobile and customizing go.

For one, the index.html file that comes with the zip of pulp press gives me the error "File is either missing or JSON malformed", however I fixed this through running npm build. That's fine for desktop but how would I get past this error on a mobile device such as an Android?

My second question is what should I change in either the main.js or styles.styl to have Mobile view (with panel by panel viewing) to apply at all times no matter the size of the window?

And lastly what do I change to disable showing the full page before panel zooming begins on the page?

Thanks again