ajay-dhangar / ajay-dhangar.github.io

👋 Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio repo! I'm Ajay Dhangar, a software engineer and tech enthusiast passionate about web development, open source, and building cool stuff. Currently working at a startup and mentoring at CodeHarborHub.
MIT License
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Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm Ajay, an aspiring Full Stack Developer with a passion for building clean, efficient, and scalable solutions. This site showcases my skills, projects, and experiences, all crafted using modern technologies like React.js, TypeScript (TSX), MDX, and Docusaurus.

About Me

Seeking Full Stack Development Opportunities

Hi! I'm Ajay, a software engineer specializing in the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). I thrive on solving complex problems and turning ideas into real-world solutions. My approach is driven by curiosity and collaboration, and I always aim to write code that is clean, maintainable, and efficient.

Technologies Used

This portfolio website was built using the following technologies:


How to Run Locally

If you'd like to run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Ajay-Dhangar/ajay-dhangar.github.io.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd ajay-dhangar.github.io
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Start the development server:

    npm start
  5. Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:3000


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas for improvements or spot any issues, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Contact Me

I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations. If you'd like to get in touch, you can reach me through:

Connect with Us

Workflows, Badges, and Analytics

Docker Image CI Hadolint CodeQL Deploy to GitHub Pages Greetings Mark stale issues and pull requests pages-build-deployment Test deployment DeepSource DeepSource DeepSource CodeScene general DeepScan grade Quality Gate Status Bugs Code Smells Duplicated Lines (%) Lines of Code Reliability Rating Security Rating Technical Debt Maintainability Rating Vulnerabilities

Quality gate

GitHub Stats

GitHub commit activity GitHub commit activity GitHub commit activity GitHub commit activity GitHub Org's stars GitHub License GitHub forks GitHub watchers GitHub code size in bytes GitHub file size in bytes GitHub repo file or directory count GitHub repo size

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git config --global http.postBuffer 52428800
git config --global core.compression 0

Thank you for visiting my portfolio, and I hope you enjoy exploring my work!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.