ajayg415 / Javascript-Algorithms

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Javascript Algorithms

1. Write an algorithm for the below problem statement.

There are 8 houses in a row. Some houses are empty and some are not, it will be represented with 1 and 0.

On Day 1 let’s say first 3 houses are active so it will be represented like [1 1 1],

On day 2


Sample Input:  [1 0 1 1 0 0  1 0]
Sample Day 1 Output -> [1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0]
Sample Day 2 Output -> [0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1]
Sample Day 3 Output -> [0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0]
Sample Day 4 Output -> [1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0]
Sample Day 5 Output -> [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1]

Now, write an algorithm to find out the status of each house on any given day. Example: findStatus([1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0], 5)


```js const findStatus = (arr, day) =>{ return (day === 0) ? arr : findStatus(checkStatus(arr), day-1); }; const checkStatus = arr => { return arr.reduce((a,c,i)=>{ return (arr[i-1] === arr[i+1]) ? [...a, 0] : [...a, 1] },[]) }; findStatus([1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0], 5) = > output: [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1] ```

2. Write an algorithm to remove all duplicates and non repeated values from an array.
Sample Input:  [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 5, 5]
Sample output: [1, 2, 3, 5] (4 not repaeated in the output array)

```js const getArray = arr => arr.sort((a,b)=>(a-b)).reduce((a,c,i,ar)=>{ return (!a.includes(c) && (ar[i-1] === c || ar[i+1] === c)) ? [...a, c] : [...a] },[]) ``` In the above code apart for checking unique values using array reducer, we're also checking if the main array previous or next index has same values. This way we can includes only repeated values from main array.

3. Write a program for binary search pattern.

Binary match pattern is kind of search which returns the number of times the pattern is matched in a given string.

Write a function which returns the number of times the pattern is matched in a given string. The pattern will be in binary format meaning combination of 0 and 1's.

Rules: if the number is 0 in the pattern then it should be vowel and if the number is 1 then it should be consonant. Searching string will be of lower case only and will be of one word only. Pattern will be in a string.

Example 1: : Input : Pattern: '010', Search String: 'amazing' Output: 2

Explanation: In the above pattern first and last numbers are zero's so the letters should start and end with vowel and as the second number is 1, the middle letter is consonant. So the function should search for such kind of words in the word and return the count. In the above given input it matches only twice and they are: 'ama' 'azi' Example 2: Input: Pattern: 100, Search String : 'seesaw' Output: 1

Matches are: 'see'

function binaryMatchPattern(searchString, pattern) {
  //code goes here 

Solution 1: ```js function binaryMatchPattern(searchString, pattern){ let i = searchString.length; const searchStringLength = i; const patternLength = pattern.length; let updatedPattern = pattern .replace(/0/g, '[aeiou]') .replace(/1/g, '[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]'); const patternToMatch = new RegExp(updatedPattern); let matchingItems = 0; while(i >= patternLength) { const slicedString = searchString.substr(searchStringLength - i, patternLength); // Below code is saving the matched items. but we dont need it hence commenting it. //patternToMatch.test(slicedString) && matchingItems.push(slicedString); patternToMatch.test(slicedString) && matchingItems++ i--; } return matchingItems; } ``` Take away points: - We are dynamically creating the regexp using the Regular Expression constructor. - Leveraging the build in methods instead of creating our own methods for looping and matching. Soltion 2: ```js const getBoolean = str => { // returns Boolean representation of given string. Ex: Amazon => 010101 return str.replace(/[^aeiou]/g,'1').replace(/[aeiou]/g,'0'); } const binaryMatchPattern = (searchString, pattern) => { const len = pattern.length; return searchString.split('').reduce((a,c,i)=>{ const subStr = searchString.substr(i-1, len); return (subStr.length === len && getBoolean(subStr) === pattern) ? (a +1) : a; }, 0) } ```

4. Write a program for the given string is a balanced string or not

If the orders of “{“,”}”,”(“,”)”,”[“,”]” are correct in a string is called Balanced string.

Example 1:  '[{[({})]}]'
output: true

Example 2: '[{}()]' 
output: true

Example 3: '[{()]'
output: true

```js Solution: var a = '[{[({})]}]'; var b = '[{}()]'; var c = '[{()]'; function isBalancedString(abc){ var flag = true; var obj = { ']': '[', ')' : '(', '}' : '{' } var stack = []; for(var k = 0; k < abc.length;k++) { if(abc[k] === '{' || abc[k] === '[' || abc[k] === '(') { stack.push(abc[k]) }else{ if(obj[abc[k]] === stack[stack.length-1]){ stack.pop(); } } } return stack.length === 0 ? true: false } isBalancedString(a) // true isBalancedString(b) // true isBalancedString(c) // false ```

5. Write a program for finding the square root of a given number

The below mentioned solution is not going to be accurate with Math.sqrt result. An attempt to get the desired result. But if you have any solution which gives more accurate results, you are welcome to issue a PR and your solution will be placed over here.

Input:  9
output: 3

Input: 544 
output: 23.32

Input: 90
output: 9.48

```js Solution: function getSquareRoot(a){ let result = Math.ceil(a/2); let updateClosestSqValue; let sqOfresult = result * result; while(sqOfresult > a) { result = Math.ceil(result/2); sqOfresult = result * result; } let closestSqValue = result/2; updateClosestSqValue = result + closestSqValue; while ((updateClosestSqValue*updateClosestSqValue) > a) { updateClosestSqValue = result + (closestSqValue/2); closestSqValue = closestSqValue/2 } let finalSqValue = result + closestSqValue; while( (finalSqValue*finalSqValue) < a) { result = finalSqValue; finalSqValue = finalSqValue + 0.01; } return result; } getSquareRoot(9) // 3 getSquareRoot(544) // 23.32 getSquareRoot(90) // 9.47 ```

6. Write a program for generation of N*N matrix for the given data set
Input:  [9]
Output: [9]

Input: [4,5]
Output: [[4,5],[0,0]]

Input: [4,5,6]
Output: [[4,5],[6,0]]

Input: [5,6,7,8,9]
Output: [[5,6,7],[8,9,0],[0,0,0]]

```js Solution 1: function getNmatrix (data) { let dataLength = data.length; let isNdetermined = false; let n = 1; let result = []; let cachedN = n; if (data.constructor.name !== "Array") { return "Provided data argument is not of type array"; } if (dataLength <= 1) { return data; } while (n > 0 ) { if(!isNdetermined) { n = n+1; isNdetermined = (n*n) >= dataLength; cachedN = n; } else { if(dataLength >= cachedN){ result.push(data.splice(0, cachedN)); } else { const zeroArray = new Array(cachedN-dataLength).fill(0, 0); result.push([...data.splice(0,cachedN), ...zeroArray]); } dataLength = data.length; n = n-1; } } return result; } getNmatrix([9]) // [9] getNmatrix([4,5]) // [[4,5],[0,0]] getNmatrix([4,5,6]) // [[4,5],[6,0]] Solution 2: function getNmatrix (data) { if(data.length<=1){return data;} var len = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((data.length))); var arr = [...data, ...new Array((len*len)-data.length).fill(0)]; var result = []; for(var i=0;i

7. Write a program for grouping the Objects based on given properties
Input: var array = [
  { Id: "001", qty: 1, proj: 'A'}, 
  { Id: "002", qty: 2, proj: 'A'}, 
  { Id: "001", qty: 2,proj: 'B'}, 
  { Id: "003", qty: 4, proj: 'C' },
  { Id: "001", qty: 4, proj: 'B' }

[{Id: "001", qty: 1, proj: "A"},
{Id: "002", qty: 2, proj: "A"},
{Id: "001", qty: 6, proj: "B"},
{Id: "003", qty: 4, proj: "C"}]

```js let groupyByKeys = (arr, keysarray) => { let result = [] let temp = arr.reduce( (res, value) => { let key = ''; for(var i of keysarray){ key = key + value[i] } if(!res[key]){ res[key] = { Id:value.Id , qty: 0 , proj: value.proj}; result.push(res[key]) } res[key].qty += value.qty; return res; }, {}); console.log(result) } groupyByKeys(array, ['Id', 'proj']) ```

8. Write a program for getting the given key occurrences in the object


srcObj = { a: 3, b: 4, c: { f: 3, d: 5 }, m: { f: 4 }, d: { g: { f: 6 }, f: 7 } };
key = 'f' 


```js let getAllKeysCount = (obj, desired) => { let objkeys = []; let getKeys = (obj) => { for(var key in obj){ objkeys.push(key); if(typeof obj[key] === 'object'){ getKeys(obj[key]) } } return objkeys.reduce( (acc, curr) =>{ if(curr === desired) { acc++; } return acc; }, 0) } return getKeys(obj) } var srcObj = { a: 3, b: 4, c: { f: 3, d: 5 }, m: { f: 4 }, d: { g: { f: 6 }, f: 7 } }; getAllKeysCount(srcObj, 'd') // 2 getAllKeysCount(srcObj, 'f') // 4 ```

9. Sum of Two

Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.


Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9,

Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9,
return [0, 1].

var twoSum = function(nums, target){
  //Code goes here

```js var twoSum = function(nums, target) { for(let i=0;i

10. Sort the unsorted Array

We have one unsorted array with duplication. Write a logic to sort the array like below.

Input =  [1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3, 5, 5, 1];

Output = [1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 5];

hint: [[1,2,3,5], [1,2,5], [1,5], [5]]

```js var resTempArr = [] var count = 0; var arr = [1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3, 5, 5, 1]; var sortedArr = arr.sort((a,b) => a-b) for(var i = 0; i< sortedArr.length;i++){ if(sortedArr[i]== sortedArr[i-1]){ count++; if(!resTempArr[count]) resTempArr[count] = [] resTempArr[count].push(sortedArr[i]) } if(sortedArr[i]!= sortedArr[i-1]){ count = 0; if(!resTempArr[count]) resTempArr[count] = [] resTempArr[count].push(sortedArr[i]) } } console.log(resTempArr.flat()) ```

11. There's an algorithms tournament taking place in which teams of programmers compete against each other to solve algorithmic problems as fast as possible. Teams compete in a round robin, where each team faces off against all other

teams. Only two teams compete against each other at a time, and for each competition, one team is designated the home team, while the other team is the away team. In each competition there's always one winner and one loser; there are no ties. A team receives 3 points if it wins and 0 points if it loses. The winner of the tournament is the team that receives the most amount of points.

Given an array of pairs representing the teams that have competed against each other and an array containing the results of each competition, write a function that returns the winner of the tournament. The input arrays are named competitions and results, respectively. The competitions array has elements in the form of [homeTown, awayTown] , where each team is a string of at most 30 characters representing the name of the team. The results array contains information about the winner of each corresponding competition in the competitions array. Specifically results[i] denotes the winner of competitions[i], where a 1 in the results array means that the home team in the corresponding competition won and a 0 means that the away team won.

It's guaranteed that exactly one team will win the tournament and that each team will compete against all other teams exactly once. It's also guaranteed that the tournament will always have at least two teams.

refer for more details

Sample Input
const competitions = [
  ["HTML", "C#"],
  ["C#", "Python"],
  ["Python", "HTML"],
const results = [1, 0, 0]

Sample Output:  "Python"
// C# beats HTML, Python Beats C#, and Python Beats HTML.
// HTML - 0 points 
// C# -  3 points
// Python -  6 points

```js function tournamentWinner(matchSchedule, results) { const winnersObj = {}; let winnerTeam = '', winnerPoints = 3; // reduce loop runs 'n' times so the complexity of it is O(n) winnerTeam = results.reduce((wTeam, result, ind) => { const eachMatchWinner = result ? competitions[ind][0] : competitions[ind][1]; //below if/else condition runs for every n item so the complexity become // O(n+1) if(!winnersObj[eachMatchWinner]) { winnersObj[eachMatchWinner] = 3; } else { winnersObj[eachMatchWinner] = winnersObj[eachMatchWinner] + 3; //Need to add this if condition also to complexity of the function if(winnersObj[eachMatchWinner] > winnerPoints) { wTeam = eachMatchWinner } } return wTeam; }, winnerTeam); return winnerTeam; } console.log(tournamentWinner(competitions, results)); ```

12. Array Of Products: Write a function that takes in a non-empty array of integers and returns an array of the same length, where each element in the output array is equal to the product of every other number in the input array.

In other words, the value at output[i] is equal to the product of every number in the input array other than input[i].

Note that you're expected to solve this problem without using division.

Sample Input

array = [5, 1, 4, 2] 

Sample Output

[8, 40, 10, 20]
// 8 is equal to 1 x 4 x 2
// 40 is equal to 5 x 4 x 2
// 10 is equal to 5 x 1 x 2
// 20 is equal to 5 x 1 x 4

O(n) time | O(n) space - where n is the length of the input array

Sample Input const competitions = [ ["HTML", "C#"], ["C#", "Python"], ["Python", "HTML"], ]; const results = [1, 0, 0]

Sample Output: "Python" // C# beats HTML, Python Beats C#, and Python Beats HTML. // HTML - 0 points // C# - 3 points // Python - 6 points


function arrayOfProducts(array) {
  let res = [];
  for(let i=0;i<array.length;i++){
    res.push(array.reduce((a,c, ind) => ((ind === i ? a*1 : c*a)), 1))
  return res;

Time Complexity: O(n^2) and Space complexity O(n)

12. Non-Constructible Change: Given an array of positive integers representing the values of coins in your possession, write a function that returns the minimum amount of change (the minimum sum of money) that you cannot create. The given coins can have any positive integer value and aren't necessarily unique (i.e., you can have multiple coins of the same value).

For example, if you're given coins = [1, 2, 5], the minimum amount of change that you can't create is 4. If you're given no coins, the minimum amount of change that you can't create is '1'

Note: O(nlogn) time | O(1) space - where n is the number of coins

Sample Input: 
Coins:  = [5, 7, 1, 1, 2, 3, 22]
Sample Output: 20
function nonConstructibleChange(coins) {
  // Write your code here.
  return 1;

```js function nonConstructibleChange(coins) { coins.sort((a,b) => (a-b)) let storedVal = 0 for(const coin of coins){ if( coin > storedVal +1) return storedVal + 1; storedVal += coin; } return storedVal+1 } ```