ajbouh / qa

QA is a lightweight tool for running your (Ruby) tests fast.
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QA: The last (Ruby) test runner you'll ever need

QA is a lightweight tool for running your tests fast.

qa minitest asciicast

Advances in type systems, compiler technology, and prototyping environments (to name a few) have helped make many software engineering activities more productive. QA is an effort to make similar strides for automated testing tools.

What can QA help me do today?

  1. Run your tests faster. Run qa rspec, qa minitest, or qa test-unit in your project directory and watch your test results scream by as they run in parallel. QA provides a beautiful, easy to understand report. No Rakefile necessary!

  2. See which tests are slowing you down. QA highlights tests that are dramatically slower than average. Look for the 🐌 at the end of successful testrun!

  3. See per-test stderr and stdout. Even when running tests in parallel!

  4. Investigate test performance by generating flamegraphs (or icicle graph) for the entire testrun. See -save-flamegraph, -save-icegraph, and -save-palette.

  5. Run your tests in parallel. QA does this for you automatically. Use -squash=none to run each method in a separate child process. The default is -squash=file, which runs each file in its own process.

  6. Analyze and eliminate test flakiness. The -archive option records test outcomes across different runs. Use the qa flaky command with the same -archive option to identify and diagnose flaky tests. This is new functionality, so please open an issue with questions and feedback!

  7. Track threads, GC, require, SQL queries, and other noteworthy operations in a tracing format that can be used with the chrome://tracing tool, using -save-trace option.

  8. See source code snippets and actual values of local variables for each frame of an error's stack trace.

  9. Record test output as TAP-J, using -save-tapj option.

  10. Automatically partition Rails tests across multiple databases, one per worker (Using custom ActiveRecord integration logic). If the required test databases do not exist, they will be setup automatically before tests begin. NOTE This functionality is highly experimental. Disable it with -warmup=false. Please open an issue if you have trouble.

What languages and test frameworks does QA support?

Ruby 2.3+, and any of: RSpec, MiniTest, test-unit.

Be sure to use bundle exec when you run qa, if you're managing dependencies with Bundler. For example, if you're using Rspec:

bundle exec qa rspec

What will QA help me do tomorrow?

  1. A faster and more focused development cycle. QA will prioritize test ordering based on the files you're changing and what's failed recently.

  2. Run your tests even faster. QA will package your test execution environment, run it on a massive fleet of remote machines (like AWS Lambda) and stream the results back to your terminal in real time.

  3. Support more languages and testing frameworks. Please open an issue with your request!

Getting started with QA

Starting with the 0.18 release, QA is now only available as the qa-tool gem. You can add 'qa-tool' to your gem's development dependencies, or add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'qa-tool'

Don't forget to run bundle install after editing your Gemfile!

See below for an example usage.

How to use QA to run your tests

For directory structure that looks like:


Example usage and output:

> cd $project
> qa minitest

Troubleshooting QA

Since QA is still in alpha, there are a number of rough edges.

If qa seems to be acting strangely and isn't providing a reasonable error message, you may be experiencing a bug relating to swallowed error output. This is tied to QA's stdout and stderr capture logic. Adding the -capture-standard-fds=false option will disable the capture logic and should allow the original error to bubble up. Please open an issue with the error output.

What are flaky tests?

For a fast moving software team, automated tests are the last line of defense against shipping broken software to customers. But there's a dirty little secret in the world of automated testing: flaky tests. A flaky test fails intermittently with some (apparently random) probability. A flaky test doesn't care that it just passed 9 times in a row. On the 10th run, it will relish the chance to slowly drain your team's sanity.

Flaky tests sap your confidence in the rest of your tests. Their existence robs you of the peace of mind from seeing a test's "PASS" status. Every team has to battle flaky tests at some point, and few succeed in keeping them at bay. In fact, flakiness may wear you down to the point where you re-run a failed test, hoping that "MAYBE it is just flaky". Or worse, you comment it out, and suffer a customer-facing bug that would have been covered by the test!

So that's the bad news: by their very nature, flaky tests are hard to avoid. In many cases they start out looking like healthy tests. But when running on a machine under heavy load, they rear their ugly, randomly failing heads. In some cases they may only fail when the network is saturated. (Which is a reason to avoid tests that rely on third party services in the first place.) Or the opposite could happen: you upgrade a dependency or language runtime to a faster version, and this speeds up the testrun enough to unveil latent flakiness you never recognized. Such are the perverse economics of flaky tests.

How do I use QA to detect flaky tests?

To analyze the last few days worth of test results, you can use the qa flaky command. It's important to use the same value for QA_ARCHIVE (or -archive) as given to other qa commands. For example, continuing the session from above:

qa flaky asciicast

How does QA detect flaky tests?

At a high level, QA considers a test to be flaky if, for a particular code revision, that test has both passed and failed. That's why you should provide a -suite-coderef value to qa commands.

At a low level, QA uses a few tricks to find as many examples of a flaky failure as it can. The actual algorithm for discovering flaky tests is:

How will future versions of QA help me with test flakiness?

With QA, we've set out to address the shortcomings we see with today's testing tools. We want a toolset that's fast and gives us more firepower for dealing with the reality of flaky tests.

QA Roadmap

Basic functionality



Tracking stats / artifacts


Continuous integration

Local development
