ajchemist / rum-mdl

Reusable material-design-lite react components written with rum
Eclipse Public License 1.0
35 stars 5 forks source link

+STARTUP: content

+TITLE: rum-mdl

+AUTHOR: aJchemist

+DESCRIPTION: Reusable material-design-lite react components written with rum

+UPDATE: Thu Jun 30 11:58:29 2016

+LINK: rum https://github.com/tonsky/rum

+LINK: react https://facebook.github.io/react/

+LINK: mdl https://getmdl.io

+LINK: boot https://boot-clj.com


Reusable [[mdl][material-design-lite]] [[react]] components written with [[rum]]

** Using Rum-MDL

+NAME: dependencies

+begin_src clojure

[rum "0.10.7"] [rum-mdl "0.2.1"]


+NAME: require

+begin_src clojure

(require '[rum.core :as rum] '[rum.mdl :as mdl])


Normally default mdl stylesheet is required for proper site rendering.

As you are using [[boot]], then you can retrieve mdl css files with =sift= task from =cljsjs/material= jar.


If you're using order version of boot than =2.6.0=,

you should add additional dep coord =[cljsjs/material "x.y.z-w"]=. (See [[https://github.com/boot-clj/boot/commit/4fde407d830fae5ab64448890c0bc54f1d3e3062][details]].)


+NAME: asset

+begin_src clojure

(sift :add-jar {'cljsjs/material #"..css$"}) (sift :move {#"./material.inc.css" "material.inc.css"

".*/material.min.inc.css" "material.min.inc.css"})


and add a == tag in your =index.html=.

+begin_src clojure

[:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "material.inc.css"}]


** References

** TODO Todo List

** Changes

*** 0.2.1

*** 0.2.0

**** Known Issue

*** 0.1.3

*** 0.1.2

*** 0.1.1

** License

Copyright © 2016 aJchemist

Licensed under Eclipse Public License.