ajeckmans / format-check-task

A format check task for Azure Devops Pull Requests, based on dotnet format. It can scan all files or just the ones in a PR and add comments for each error found to the PR. When errors are found optionally fail the task or set a status check.
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Custom Azure DevOps PR task for code formatting check

This project contains a custom Azure DevOps Pull Request (PR) task constructed for the specific need of validating code formatting rules using dotnet. It is designed to add value to your workflows by automatically detecting and highlighting any code violations, injecting these as comments directly into your PR.


How to use

  1. Integrate this task into your Azure pipeline. To include it without failing the build, but set a PR status check, use:

    - task: FormatCheck@1
       SolutionPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
       failOnFormattingErrors: false
       statusCheck: true
       statusCheckName: format check
       statusCheckGenre: formatting
       SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)

    To make it fail the PR build:

    - task: FormatCheck@1
       SolutionPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
       SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)

    In either case it will add comments to the pull request for any issues found by dotnet format.

    To scope the task to only files included in the PR set ScopeToPullRequest to true (default: false).

    NOTE: Make sure the job running the task has rights to use the OAuth token and that the user running the build has the 'Contribute to Pull Requests' rights.

  2. During the operation of the pipeline, the task will examine your code and highlight formatting issues using dotnet.
  3. Any errors identified will be automatically pushed as comments to your PR, highlighting the exact locations and nature of the issues.

By improving your workflow with this custom PR task, we hope to save time, improve code quality, increase team efficiency, and ensure code consistency across your projects. Happy coding!