ajhidding / myproject

Design to Robotic Production (D2RP)
MIT License
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[Rhizome 2.0 (D2RP)]

[The purpose of this repository is to share the production scripts and methodologies that have been developed in the RBlab at the TU-Delft]


For further info and support on how to do this please go to @hoc: http://adhok.bk.tudelft.nl/site/info/

Needed software packages: Rhino 6 and 7 including Grasshopper

Rhinoceros 6 and 7: Can be downloaded from the Brightspace website. Follow the instructions here: https://adhok.bk.tudelft.nl/2020/rhino-6-and-7-for-tu-delft/

Grasshopper: from http://www.grasshopper3d.com/ Grasshopper is included and pre-installed in Rhino 6 and 7. For the installation of plugins in grasshopper: Open Grasshopper and choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Save any plugin GHA file there. Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text. Restart Rhino and Grasshopper.

Basic Tutorials: Rhino tutorials: http://www.rhino3d.com/tutorials http://vimeo.com/58212839 http://vimeo.com/82431575 https://vimeo.com/28175502

Requirements Plug-Ins:

[For Patform A]

[List and describe each step required to install the software. Use a description/example format. For example:]

[1. Install dependencies ]

[$ pip install -r requirements.txt]

[Contributing Guidelines]

Read the contributing guidelines to know how can you take part in this project.

[ Include a CONTRIBUTING.md files ]


  1. [The code is shared with an MIT license.]

[Under the current guidelines on research software, TU Delft encourages the use of open source licenses for research software. Use the decision three below to determine if the software you intend to develop can be published as Open Source Software (OSS). You can also ask for help to the Data Steward in your Faculty]

License: MIT


[TU Delft owns the copyrights of any software developed by TU Delft researchers. However, if the software is published as OSS under one of the licenses listed above, TU Delft agrees to transfer such rights to the Author(s) of the software. To claim the copyrights of a software include the text in WAIVER in your license file. Then you can include the following text as part of this section:]

© (YEAR) [Author(s)], Delft, The Netherlands.


[Include a CCF file (Citation File Format). See example in this repo: CITATION.cff. You can easily create the content of a CCF using this tool. ]

[CCF files can be converted to a multitude of formats, including BibTex, EndNote, codemeta, plain JSON, schema.org, RIS, and Zenodo JSON ]


[Name anyone who deserves it.]