ajshort / vscode-latex-preview

Compilation and embedded preview of LaTeX documents for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Getting error when hitting preview button #27

Open ffly90 opened 5 years ago

ffly90 commented 5 years ago

When I try to show a preview of my LaTex file I get the following error message: Running the contributed command:'vscode.previewHtml' failed. Illegal argument 'column' - (optional) Column in which to preview.

Neboer commented 5 years ago

Same for me. When I click the Open Preview button, it just shows "command 'vscode.previewHtml' not found"

amrsekilly commented 5 years ago

I get the same error command 'vscode.previewHtml' not found

fabifont commented 4 years ago

Same for me command 'vscode.previewHtml' not found

carbeer commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. Seems like VSCode deprecated the command recently: c.f. their Github Issue

stefanman125 commented 4 years ago

I have the same error command 'vscode.previewHTML not found'

Ahmetnarin commented 4 years ago

How to fix the problem? 'command 'vscode.previewHTML not found'

zzc2422 commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem too!! And I don't know whether there is other extensions which can preview with the updated or cursor position! So crashing...