ajshort / vscode-latex-preview

Compilation and embedded preview of LaTeX documents for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
32 stars 11 forks source link

VSCode Latex Preview Extension




Open a .tex file, and then click the "Open Preview" button in the title bar. This will open a preview rendering which is updated when you save the document. To go from a source code location to a preview location, select "Show in Preview" in the editor context menu. You can also click on the preview document to go to the corresponding source code. If you want to use xetex or latexmk to generate your preview you can change the latex-preview.command config option.

For BibTeX support, it is recommended to set latex-preview.command to latexmk, which will use latexmk to run the required bibtex commands. On Windows, you will need to ensure that Perl is installed for latexmk support.

To generate a VSCode build task to run pdflatex, run the "LaTeX: Create Build Task" command.
