akaIDIOT / Digestive

Digest combination trickery
ISC License
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Digestive :cookie:

Build Status

Run several digest algorithms on the same data efficiently.

Installation and use

Run python3 setup.py install to install both the package and commandline script digestive. It currently supports the following options (use digestive --help to show options after installation):

usage: digestive [-h] [-m] [-1] [-2] [-5] [--hashes] [-e] [-j JOBS] [-b BYTES]
                 [-p {bytes,speed}] [-P] [-r] [-o OUTPUT]
                 FILE [FILE ...]

run multiple digests on files

positional arguments:
  FILE                  input files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m, --md5             calculate MD5 hash
  -1, --sha1            calculate SHA-1 hash
  -2, --sha256          calculate SHA-256 hash
  -5, --sha512          calculate SHA-512 hash
  -3, --sha3-256        calculate SHA3-256 hash
  --sha3-512            calculate SHA3-512 hash
  --hashes              calculate MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512 and SHA3-256
                        hashes (equivalent to -m1253)
  -e, --entropy         calculate binary entropy
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  use up to JOBS threads to process digests (defaults to
                        the number of digests)
  -b BYTES, --block-size BYTES
                        read data in chunks of BYTES at a time (defaults to
  -p {bytes,speed}, --progress {bytes,speed}
                        show progress information (defaults to bytes)
  -P, --no-progress     disable progress output (always disabled for redirected
  -r, --recursive       process sources recursively
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        write yaml-encoded output to file

Everything accessible from the console command is available from python: