akalikadien / shell-ai-hackaton-2023

Repo for the agricultural waste challenge of Shell.ai 2023 https://www.shell.com/energy-and-innovation/digitalisation/digital-and-ai-competitions/shell-ai-hackathon-for-sustainable-and-affordable-energy.html
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Data and code related to the Shell AI Hackaton 2023

The challenge

figures/problem_description.png figures/challenge_objectives.png figures/constraints.png


First clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/akalikadien/shell-ai-hackaton-2023.git

Next, install or load conda and create a new environment from the environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the environment:

conda activate shell-ai-hackaton


1.initial_datasets/ contains the initial datasets that were supplied with the challenge

2.additional_data/ contains data that we use to enrich the initial datasets for prediction

3.predictions/ contains final files that will be merged into a submission file


For our final submissions there are 3 python files that are important, predictions via RF with the features from additional_data were done in a separate jupyter notebook.

Citations for data

Rajeevan, M., Jyoti Bhate, A.K.Jaswal, 2008 : Analysis of variability and trends of extreme rainfall events over India using 104 years of gridded daily rainfall data, Geophysical Res. Lttrs, Vol.35, L18707, doi:10.1029/2008GL035143.