akamai / cli-edgeworkers

Akamai CLI for EdgeWorkers, allows you to interact with EdgeWorkers APIs via a command line interface
Apache License 2.0
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EdgeWorkers CLI

EdgeWorkers CLI The EdgeWorkers command line interface (CLI) expedites the process of registering, uploading, activating and testing EdgeWorkers functions on the Akamai Edge network.

Go to Akamai CLI for EdgeKV for information on how to manage EdgeKV databases and call the EdgeKV API from the command line.

Technical Setup Requirements

To use this tool you need:

Install or Update the EdgeWorkers

akamai install edgeworkers

akamai update edgeworkers

Provide Default Config Properties

The EdgeWorkers CLI lets you set default values for the command options. There are two ways to create a config file:

  1. Create a config file ~/.akamai-cli/ew-config, and store the properties as follows:
  2. Use the config command to set default properties: akamai edgeworkers config set <key> <value>

Available property names are displayed here.

Overview of Commands

EdgeWorkers CLI enables you to manage EdgeWorkers functions by calling the EdgeWorkers API.


akamai edgeworkers [options] [command]


Syntax Description
-V, --version Display the version number for the EdgeWorkers CLI program.
--debug Show debug information.
--edgerc <path> Use credentials in edgerc file for command. (Default file location is ~/.edgerc)
--section <name> Use this section in edgerc file. (Default section is [default])
--configSection <configSection> Use this section in the ew-config file that contains the default config properties set. (Default section is [default])
--timeout <timeout> You can specify a timeout value for a command in seconds to override the 2 minute default. For example, if you add "--timeout 10" to a command, it will timeout if the server takes more than 10 second to respond.
--json [path] Write CLI output as JSON to optionally provided path. If not path provided, write JSON output to CLI home directory
--jsonout Write CLI output as JSON to stdout.
-h, --help Display usage information for EdgeWorkers CLI.


Command \ Alias Description
help [command] Display usage information for the given command.
list-groups | lg [group-identifier] Customer Developer can find their EdgeWorkers access level per Luna Access Control Group.
list-ids | li [options] [edgeworker-identifier] List EdgeWorker ids currently registered.
register | create-id <group-identifier> <edgeworker-name> Register a new EdgeWorker id to reference in Property Manager behavior.
update-id | ui <edgeworker-identifier> <group-identifier> <edgeworker-name> [options] Allows Customer Developer to update an existing EdgeWorker Identifier's Luna ACG or Name attributes.
delete-id | delete-id [options] <edgeworker-identifier> Permanently delete an existing EdgeWorker Id.
list-versions | lv <edgeworker-identifier> [version-identifier] List Version information of a given EdgeWorker Id.
upload | create-version [options] <edgeworker-identifier> Creates a new version of a given EdgeWorker Id which includes the code bundle.
delete-version | delete-version [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <version-identifier> Permanently delete an existing version of a given EdgeWorker Id.
download | download-version [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <version-identifier> Download the code bundle of an EdgeWorker version.
download-revision | dr [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> Download the combined code bundle that contains the code and the dependencies that the EdgeWorker executes.
status | list-activations [options] <edgeworker-identifier> List Activation status of a given EdgeWorker Id.
list-revisions | lr [options] <edgeworker-identifier> List the revision history for a given EdgeWorker ID.
get-revision | gr <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> Get details for a specific revision.
compare-revisions | cr <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> <revision-identifier> View dependency differences between two revisions of the same EdgeWorker.
activate-revision | ar [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> Activate a revision for a given EdgeWorker Id on Akamai Network.
pin-revision [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> Pin an active revision for a given EdgeWorker ID.
unpin-revision [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> Unpin an active pinned revision for a given EdgeWorker ID.
get-revision-bom | gb [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> View details for a specific revision of a composite bundle.
list-revision-activations | lra [options] <edgeworker-identifier> List Revision Activation status of a given EdgeWorker ID.
activate | av <edgeworker-identifier> <network> <versionId> Activate a Version for a given EdgeWorker Id on an Akamai Network.
deactivate | deact <edgeworker-identifier> <network> <versionId> Deactivate a Version for a given EdgeWorker Id on an Akamai Network.
validate | vv <bundlePath> Validates a code bundle version without uploading the code bundle.
create-auth-token | auth [options] <hostName> Generates an authentication token that can be used to get detailed EdgeWorker debug response headers. You need at least version 1.7.1 of the EdgeWorkers CLI to run this command.
clone | clone <edgeworker-identifier> <resourceTierId> [options] Clones an EdgeWorker from the existing EdgeWorker Id.
list-contracts | li-contracts [options] List of contract ids that user has access to.
list-properties | lp <edgeworker-identifier> [options] List of properties associated with a given EdgeWorker Id.
list-limits | li-limits View the various limits EdgeWorkers imposes on the number of activations, EdgeWorkers IDs, and versions you can deploy.
list-restiers | li-restiers [options] List Resource Tiers that can be used to create or clone EdgeWorker Id.
show-restier | show-restier <edgeworker-identifier> Customers can get Resource Tier details for a specific EdgeWorker Id.
get reports Get a list of all available EdgeWorkers reports.
get report <reportId> <edgeworker-identifier> [options] Get an EdgeWorkers report for a specific EdgeWorker ID.
config list Get all values in the config file.
config get <key> Get a config value from a section in the config file.
config set <key> <value> Set a config value in a section.
config save -p <properties> Save config properties in a section.
config unset <key> Unset a config value in a section.

List Permission Groups with EdgeWorkers Access

Customer Developer can find their EdgeWorkers access level per Luna Access Control Group.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers list-groups [options] [group-identifier]

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
group-identifier optional Luna Access Group value (usually number) to check for EdgeWorkers permissions

Key Details

  1. Output is filtered to only those Luna Access Control Groups that have at least one EdgeWorkers capability.


List Existing EdgeWorker Identifiers

List EdgeWorker ids currently registered.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers list-ids [options] [edgeworker-identifier]

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--groupId <groupId> Filter EdgeWorker Id list by Permission Group
--resourceTierId <resourceTierId> Filter EdgeWorker Id by Resource Tier
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier optional A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance

Register New EdgeWorker Identifier

Register a new EdgeWorker id to reference in Property Manager behavior.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers register [options] <group-identifier> <edgeworker-name>

Option Description
--resourceTierId New Resource tier id to which the EdgeWorker will be associated.
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
group-identifier required Luna Access Group value (usually number) to check for EdgeWorkers permissions
edgeworker-name required Human readable short label describing an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. Location response header will be provided with new EdgeWorker Id.

  2. EdgeWorker id details response body (JSON) will be provided with 201 response code.

  3. To disable prompts for automation purpose "resourceTierId" can be provided as input.

Update EdgeWorker Identifier's Information

Allows Customer Developer to update an existing EdgeWorker Identifier's Luna ACG or Name attributes.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers update-id [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <group-identifier> <edgeworker-name>

Option Description
--resourceTierId New Resource tier id to which the EdgeWorker will be associated
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
group-identifier required Luna Access Group value (usually number) to check for EdgeWorkers permissions
edgeworker-name required Human readable short label describing an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. API requires that both groupId and name be provided even if only changing one of these attributes.

  2. EdgeWorker id details response body (JSON) will be provided with 200 response code.

  3. Resource Tier ID provided should be same as the one the EdgeWorker ID already has. In order to provide a different resource tier id, please use the clone operation.

Delete Existing EdgeWorker Identifier

Permanently delete an existing EdgeWorker Identifier.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers delete-id [options] <edgeworker-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--noPrompt Skip the deletion confirmation prompt
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. Deleting an EdgeWorker ID is only possible if it doesn't have any version currently active or being activated on the Akamai network.

  2. Ensure that there are no active properties associated with an EdgeWorker before deletion.

List EdgeWorker Versions

List Version information of a given EdgeWorker Id.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers list-versions [options] <edgeworker-identifier> [version-identifier]

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
version-identifier optional A unique integer handle to version of an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. Result set is sorted by an upload sequence value that is not displayed (an internal incremented integer).

  2. EdgeWorker versions are customer defined strings.

Upload New EdgeWorker Version

Creates a new version of a given EdgeWorker Id which includes the code bundle.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers upload [options] <edgeworker-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--bundle <bundlePath> Path to bundle file in tgz format
--codeDir <workingDirectory> Working directory that includes main.js and bundle.json files
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. One of either --bundle or --codeDir (but not both) must be provided.

  2. Code bundles paths and files must be found on the local filesystem.

  3. --bundle expects a tgz file already built per EdgeWorkers specification.

  4. --codeDir expects a directory path which contains both the main.js (events file) and bundle.json (manifest file).

  5. --codeDir option will provide bundle.json format validation.

  6. --codeDir does not pack other directories or code beyond main.js and bundle.json.

  7. --codeDir will build the tarball (tgz) file if file validation succeeds.

  8. Service will compare new tarball's checksum with previously uploaded tarballs for the same EdgeWorker id (ewId). If a match is found, the new version creation is disallowed.

  9. versionId is customer generated and will be pulled from bundle.json.

  10. Location response header will be provided with new EdgeWorker Version id.

  11. EdgeWorker version details response body (JSON) will be provided with 201 response code.

Delete Existing EdgeWorker Version

Permanently delete an existing version of a given EdgeWorker Id.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers delete-version [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <version-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--noPrompt Skip the deletion confirmation prompt
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
version-identifier required A unique integer handle to version of an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. Deleting a version is only possible if it is not currently active or being activated on the Akamai network.

  2. If the version is currently active, it will have to be deactivated before it can be deleted.

Download an EdgeWorkers Code Bundle

Download the code bundle of an EdgeWorker version.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers download [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <version-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--downloadPath <downloadPath> Path to store downloaded bundle file; defaults to CLI home directory if not provided.
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
version-identifier required A unique integer handle to version of an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. If --downloadPath is not provided or is not found on local filesystem, an AkamaiCLI cache sub-directory will be used: _<CLI_CACHE_PATH>/edgeworkers-cli/edgeworkers/<ewid>/_

Download an EdgeWorkers Combined Code Bundle

Download the combined code bundle that contains the code and the dependencies that the EdgeWorker executes.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers download-revision [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--downloadPath <downloadPath> Path to store downloaded combined bundle file; defaults to CLI home directory if not provided.
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
revision-identifier required A unique revision identifier to a specific of an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. If --downloadPath is not provided or is not found on local filesystem, an AkamaiCLI cache sub-directory will be used: _<CLI_CACHE_PATH>/edgeworkers-cli/edgeworkers/<revid>/_

List EdgeWorker Version Activation Status

List Activation status of a given EdgeWorker Id.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers status [options] <edgeworker-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--versionId <versionId> Version identifier
--activationId <activationId> Activation identifier
--activeOnNetwork Limits results to show only currently activate versions
--network <network> Limits the results to versions that were activated on a specific network (STAGING or PRODUCTION)
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. You may not provide both the Version and the Activation identifiers.

List EdgeWorker Revision History

List the revision history for a given EdgeWorker ID.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers list-revisions [options] <edgeworker-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--versionId <versionId> Version identifier
--activationId <activationId> Activation identifier
--pinnedOnly Limits results to show only currently or previously pinned revisions
--currentlyPinned Limits results to show only revisions that are currently pinned
--network <network> Limits the results to versions that were activated on a specific network (STAGING or PRODUCTION)
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. Network must be either STAGING or PRODUCTION. Capitalization will be normalized to uppercase.

Get Revision details of an EdgeWorker

Get details for a specific revision.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers get-revision [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
revision-identifier required Revision identifier

Compare two Revisions details of an EdgeWorker

View dependency differences between two revisions of the same EdgeWorker.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers compare-revisions [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier> <revision-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
revision-identifier required First Revision identifier
revision-identifier required Second Revision identifier

Key Details

  1. Both the revision identifiers must be different.

Activate a Revision of an EdgeWorker

Activate a revision for a given EdgeWorker ID on an Akamai Network.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers activate-revision [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--note Note to specify why the revision is being reactivated
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
revision-identifier required Revision identifier

Key Details

  1. The revision will be reactivated on the same network (PRODUCTION or STAGING) that it was previously active on.

Pin Revision of an EdgeWorker

Pin an active revision for a given EdgeWorker ID.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers pin-revision [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--note Note to specify why the revision is being pinned
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
revision-identifier required Revision identifier

Key Details

  1. The revision must be activated before pinning.

Unpin Revision of an EdgeWorker

Unpin an active pinned revision for a given EdgeWorker ID.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers unpin-revision [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--note Note to specify why the revision is being unpinned
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
revision-identifier required Revision identifier

Key Details

  1. The revision must be pinned before unpinning.

Get Revision details of an EdgeWorker

View details for a specific revision of a composite bundle.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers get-revision-bom [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <revision-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--activeVersions Limit results to show only active versions
--currentlyPinnedRevisions Shows additional information about the revision that's currently pinned
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
revision-identifier required Revision identifier

List Revision activations of an EdgeWorker

List Revision Activation status of a given EdgeWorker ID.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers list-revision-activations [options] <edgeworker-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--versionId Version Identifier
--activationId Activation Identifier
--network Limits the results to versions that were activated on a specific network (STAGING or PRODUCTION)
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. You may not provide both the Version and the Activation identifiers.
  2. Network must be either STAGING or PRODUCTION. Capitalization will be normalized to uppercase.

Activate an EdgeWorker

Activate a Version for a given EdgeWorker Id on an Akamai Network.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers activate [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <network> <version-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
network required Label for which Akamai Network (STAGING or PRODUCTION) activation should be sent to
version-identifier required A unique integer handle to version of an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. Network must be either STAGING or PRODUCTION. Capitalization will be normalized to uppercase.

  2. Location response header will be provided with new EdgeWorker Activation id.

  3. EdgeWorker activation details response body (JSON) will be provided with 201 response code.

Validate an EdgeWorkers Code Bundle

Validates a code bundle version without uploading the code bundle

Usage: akamai edgeworkers validate [options] <bundlePath>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
bundlePath required Path to bundle file in tgz format

Key Details

  1. Code bundle path must be found on the local filesystem.

  2. Code bundle expects a tgz file already built per EdgeWorkers specification.

Deactivate an EdgeWorker

Deactivate a Version for a given EdgeWorker Id on an Akamai Network.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers deactivate [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <network> <version-identifier>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required A unique integer handle to an EdgeWorkers instance
network required Label for which Akamai Network (STAGING or PRODUCTION) activation should be sent to
version-identifier required A unique integer handle to version of an EdgeWorkers instance

Key Details

  1. Network must be either STAGING or PRODUCTION. Capitalization will be normalized to uppercase.

  2. Location response header will be provided with new EdgeWorker Activation id.

  3. EdgeWorker activation details response body (JSON) will be provided with 201 response code.

Create an EdgeWorkers Authentication Token

Generates an authentication token that can be used to get detailed EdgeWorker debug response headers. You need at least version 1.7.1 of the EdgeWorkers CLI to run this command. Use the -V, --version option to display the current version number of the EdgeWorkers CLI.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers create-auth-token [options] <hostName>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--expiry <expiry> Expiry duration of token, in minutes.
--format <format> Format in which the output will be printed
Argument Existence Description
hostName opional HostName of the property. If no hostname is provided then token is created for all hosts(/*) under the property. Eg: www.test.com, www.test1.com

Key Details

  1. The --expiry value must be between 1 and 720 minutes (12 hours). The default is 8 hours.

Clone an EdgeWorker Id

Allows customer to clone an EdgeWorker from an existing EdgeWorker Id.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers clone <edgeworker-identifier> <resourceTierId> [options]

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--ewName Name of the EdgeWorker
--groupId Group identifier
Argument Existence Description
resourceTierId required Resource tier id to which the EdgeWorker will be cloned.

Key Details

  1. This endpoint allows user to select a different Resource Tier ID for a specific EdgeWorker id by cloning it. Cloning to the same resource tier will fail.

List Contracts

List of contract ids that user has access to.

Usage: akamai list-contracts

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information

List Properties

List of properties associated to a specific EdgeWorker Id.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers list-properties <edgeworker-identifier> [options]

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
--activeOnly Returns only active properties
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required EdgeWorker identifier.

Key Details

  1. Note that the returned boolean limitedAccessToProperties is true if the user doesn't have access to the top level group under the account, or if they don't have the admin role for this group.

List Limits

List the various limits EdgeWorkers imposes on the number of activations, EdgeWorkers IDs, and versions you can deploy.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers list-limits [options]

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information

List Resource Tiers for a specific Contract ID

List Resource Tiers that can be used to create or clone EdgeWorker IDs.

Usage: akamai list-restiers

Option Description
--contractId Resource tiers for the specified contract id.
-h, --help output usage information

Key Details

  1. User will be prompted with list of contract ids that user has access to. The selected contract id will be used to fetch resource tier.
  2. To disable prompt for automation purpose, contract id can be provided as input.

Fetch the Resource Tier for a specific EdgeWorker Id

Customers can get Resource Tier details for a specific EdgeWorker Id.

Usage: akamai show-restier <edgeworkerId>

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworkerId required EdgeWorker identifier

Get Available EdgeWorkers Report Types

List the available report types that can be generated for an EdgeWorker ID.

Usage: akamai get reports

Option Description
-h, --help output usage information

Key Details

  1. The user will be given a table with reportIds and a description of each report. Use a given reportId with the get report command to get a report for a given EdgeWorker.

Get EdgeWorker Report

Get a report for a given EdgeWorker ID.

Usage: akamai get report <reportId> <edgeworker-identifier>

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information
-s, --startDate <startDate> required ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the start time of the EdgeWorkers report.
-e, --endDate <startDate> optional ISO 8601 timestamp indicating the end time of the EdgeWorkers report. If not specified, the end time defaults to the current time.
--status <status> optional Comma-separated string to filter by EdgeWorkers status. Values: success, genericError, unknownEdgeWorkerId, unimplementedEventHandler, runtimeError, executionError, timeoutError, resourceLimitHit, cpuTimeoutError, wallTimeoutError, initCpuTimeoutError, initWallTimeoutError.
--ev, --eventHandlers <eventHandlers> optional Comma-separated string to filter EdgeWorkers by the event that triggers them. Values: onClientRequest, onOriginRequest, onOriginResponse, onClientResponse, responseProvider.
Argument Existence Description
reportId required Report Type.
edgeworker-identifier required EdgeWorker identifier.

Key Details

  1. For a list of available report IDs, use the get reports command.
  2. The startDate option is a required option.

List All Default Values of a Section in Config File

Get all default properties in a section of the config file.

Usage: akamai config list

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information

Key Details

  1. The config section is default by default. To use a different seciont, users should specify the akamai edgeworkers command with option --configSection <configSeciont>.
  2. Same approach should apply to the following config commands.

Get a Default Value of a Section in Config File

Get one specific default value in a section of the config file.

Usage: akamai config get <key>

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information
Argument Existence Description
key required Name of default property

Set/Update a Default Value of a Section in Config File

Allows customers set/update a specific default value in a section of the config file.

Usage: akamai config set <key> <value>

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information
Argument Existence Description
key required Name of default property
value required Value of default property

Unset a Default Value of a Section in Config File

Allows customers unset a specific default value in a section of the config file.

Usage: akamai config unset <key>

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information
Argument Existence Description
key required Name of default property

Bulk Save Default Property of a Section in Config File

Allows customers save the default values in bulk.

Usage: akamai config save [options]

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information
-p, --properties required Config properties. Use format \'key=value\' to set a property and white space to split them.

Key Details

  1. If the context contain invalid item, the command will skip that item and continue.

View current logging level for the EdgeWorker

Allows customers to view the details of logging level overrides for the edgeworker.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers log-level get [options] <edgeworker-identifier> [logging-identifier]

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required EdgeWorker identifier for which to display logging level override information.
logging-identifier optional The logging ID of the logging level override to display.

Key Details

  1. If the logging-identifier is not specified, all logging level overrides will be displayed.
  2. The logging-identifier is a numeric constant, identifying a log level override. It can be obtained during the override creation, or by listing all overrides without supplying the optional argument and looking up specific override's loggingId field.

Set current logging level for the EdgeWorker

Allows customers to set logging level for the EdgeWorker.

Usage: akamai edgeworkers log-level set [options] <edgeworker-identifier> <network> <level>

Option Existence Description
-h, --help optional output usage information
--expires optional Specifies for how long the user's logging level override will be applied. After it has passed, the logging level reverts back to the default specified in the bundle.
--ds2Id optional Datastream ID to use alongside the one specified in EdgeWorker's bundle.json file.
Argument Existence Description
edgeworker-identifier required EdgeWorker identifier for which to change logging level.
network required Network for which to apply the new logging level. Either "production" or "staging".
level required New logging level to apply for the EdgeWorker. For possible values consult customer logging documentation.

Key Details

  1. Only the most recently created log level override is in effect.
  2. When the override expires, the logging level is reset to the one specified in Edgeworker's bundle.json file.
  3. If the command is successful, the log level override details are printed, which include loggingId of the override. The loggingId can be used to obtain these details anytime by using log-level get subcommand and passing it to a logging-identifier optional argument.
  4. If --expires option is not specified, the default is for the override to never expire.
  5. The --expires option supports both natural language input and standard timestamps. Please refer to chrono package documentation for full specification.


  1. Set log level override on production network to info level, which will expire in 1 hour.
    ./akamai-edgeworkers log-level set 654321 production info --expires 1h 
  2. Set log level override on staging network to trace level, which will expire at 3 PM CEST (Central European Summer Time) on August 13th 2024.
    ./akamai-edgeworkers log-level set 654321 staging trace --expires "2024-08-13T15:00+02:00"


For more information on EdgeWorkers, refer to the following resources:

Reporting Issues

You are all set, happy coding! If you experience any issues with the EdgeWorkers CLI, raise them as a github issue. Feel free to create a pull request with the fix or suggestion.


We welcome contributions from Akamai staff, customers, or others. Before opening up a PR please double check the following:

  1. Please add some test cases to accompany your PR. This verifies the functionality added or modified in the PR and proves to others that your code works :)
  2. Please make sure that your code passes all pre-commit checks. Your code should build successfully, pass all unit tests, and have no linting issues.
  3. All PR's should be targeting develop, not master. Merges to master will immediately release to all customers.