akarnokd / ThePlanetCrafterMods

BepInEx+Harmony mods for the Unity/Steam game The Planet Crafter
Apache License 2.0
44 stars 29 forks source link

Machine Remote Deposit Breaking Water Producers #102

Open Chloraphorae opened 5 days ago

Chloraphorae commented 5 days ago

The mod broke water producers after update. Neither atm./ lake gatherers produce water.

akarnokd commented 5 days ago

What update?

akarnokd commented 5 days ago

Please post the file %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\MijuGames\Planet Crafter\Player.log

Chloraphorae commented 5 days ago

I'm assuming the 1.105. This is the log after I removed all other mods to check (except ModEnabler). Player.log

akarnokd commented 5 days ago

Since the full release, the mod no longer produces water into the machine's own inventory. You have to name a container as *WaterBottle1.

Chloraphorae commented 5 days ago

Alright, thanks. I had tried to get the water to go to a specialized storage many iterations ago and could never get it to work.