akarnokd / ThePlanetCrafterMods

BepInEx+Harmony mods for the Unity/Steam game The Planet Crafter
Apache License 2.0
45 stars 29 forks source link

Mod Request - Inventory Statistics Screen #68

Closed tbird68 closed 8 months ago

tbird68 commented 8 months ago

First, let me thank you for your excellent QOL mods. Have made the game less grindy. Much appreciated.

Now the mod request - is it possible to create a screen that shows inventory contents - ie, Total Iron, Cobalt, Obsidian, etc. for all ores, plants, & created items? Would certainly speed up item collection knowing on one screen what you have so you know what you need without having to check dozens of storage individually.

Thanks for your consideration.

akarnokd commented 8 months ago

Possible, but not interested.

Try the official game Discord's #modding channel - a few recend modders might be willing to do such a mod.