akarnokd / ThePlanetCrafterMods

BepInEx+Harmony mods for the Unity/Steam game The Planet Crafter
Apache License 2.0
45 stars 29 forks source link

Item Stacking Enhancement #99

Closed Pontiac76 closed 1 month ago

Pontiac76 commented 1 month ago

LOVE this particular mod. However, it's not a best fit for all situations.

If a storage container doesn't have [?] (? being an integer) at the beginning of its name, it uses the default stack size defined in the config for that container. However, if there is a [?], then the max stack size should be set to that.

The reason why is that I currently have my stack size set to 64 (Nod to minecraft), but, I don't need that kind of stack in all places, like, a cargo that contains just my food, or, a particular chest set for auto crafting items, etc.

akarnokd commented 1 month ago

Not planning on chaning the mod behavior.