akasakaid / timefarmtod

Auto claim for time farm telegram bot
57 stars 9 forks source link
python3 telgram-bot time-farm timefarm


Auto claim for time farm telegram bot

Table of Contens


Warning !

According to Telegram TOS all accounts that sign up or log in using unofficial Telegram API clients are automatically put under observation to avoid violations of the Terms of Service.

So be careful, hopefully your account won't get banned.


Click the following link for register : https://t.me/TimeFarmCryptoBot?start=aL10AOUuixNmozwN

How to Use

Config.json Explanation

key value description
api_id string api_id for telegram client library,
see Get My Own API_ID \& API_HASH to get your own
api_hash string api_hash for telegram client library,
see Get My Own API_ID \& API_HASH to get your own
auto_upgrade bool (true/false) auto upgrade account to next level
auto_task bool (true/false) auto complete task (except telegram task)
interval integer (second) sleep time every account


If you want to get your own api_id & api hash, you can goto https://my.telegram.org


  1. Make sure you computer was installed python and git.

    python site : https://python.org

    git site : https://git-scm.com/

  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/akasakaid/timefarmtod.git
  3. goto timefarmtod directory

    cd timefarmtod
  4. install the require library

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. fill the data.txt file with your data, how to get data you can refer to How to Get Data

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


  1. Make sure you computer was installed python and git.


    sudo apt install python3 python3-pip


    sudo apt install git
  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/akasakaid/timefarmtod.git
  3. goto timefarmtod directory

    cd timefarmtod
  4. Install the require library

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. fill the data.txt file with your data, how to get data you can refer to How to Get Data

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


  1. Make sure you termux was installed python and git.


    pkg install python


    pkg install git
  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/akasakaid/timefarmtod.git
  3. goto timefarmtod directory

    cd timefarmtod
  4. install the require library

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. fill the data.txt file with your data, how to get data you can refer to How to Get Data

  6. execute the main program

    python bot.py


If you have an question or something you can ask in here : @sdsproject_chat


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Thank you < 3