akash-network / console

Deploy docker containers on the Akash Network
Apache License 2.0
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Display Persistent Storage Resource Info in Provider Details #245

Open anilmurty opened 4 weeks ago

anilmurty commented 4 weeks ago

Provider details page currently only shows ephemeral storage and not persistent storage. For example https://console.akash.network/providers/akash1rfqs6aajq2d4azhjj88wav2d6ra6vvuzn58dt5?network=mainnet has 1, 1.7TB drives with persistent storage but that info isn't displayed


root@node1:~# provider-services status akash1rfqs6aajq2d4azhjj88wav2d6ra6vvuzn58dt5 --node [https://akash-rpc.polkachu.com:443](https://akash-rpc.polkachu.com/)
  "cluster": {
    "leases": 5,
    "inventory": {
      "active": [
          "cpu": 100,
          "gpu": 0,
          "memory": 100663296,
          "storage_ephemeral": 6291456
          "cpu": 2000,
          "gpu": 0,
          "memory": 4294967296,
          "storage_ephemeral": 2147483648,
          "storage": {
            "beta3": 5368709120
          "cpu": 1000,
          "gpu": 0,
          "memory": 536870912,
          "storage_ephemeral": 536870912
          "cpu": 2000,
          "gpu": 0,
          "memory": 4294967296,
          "storage_ephemeral": 4294967296,
          "storage": {
            "beta3": 10737418240
          "cpu": 1000,
          "gpu": 2,
          "memory": 17179869184,
          "storage_ephemeral": 53687091200
      "pending": [
          "cpu": 2000,
          "gpu": 0,
          "memory": 4294967296,
          "storage_ephemeral": 4294967296
      "available": {
        "nodes": [
            "name": "ubuntu-63-222-125-248",
            "allocatable": {
              "cpu": 56000,
              "gpu": 8,
              "memory": 540904771584,
              "storage_ephemeral": 99834798412
            "available": {
              "cpu": 44000,
              "gpu": 6,
              "memory": 505532108800,
              "storage_ephemeral": 34867126604
        "storage": [
            "class": "beta3",
            "size": 1195915214848
  "bidengine": {
    "orders": 1
  "manifest": {
    "deployments": 2
  "cluster_public_hostname": "provider.cato.akash.pub"
Redm4x commented 3 weeks ago

Update June 25, 2024:

This is not just a display issue. I'm working on improving the indexing part to distinguish between ephemeral & persistent storage and different storage classes. Once done we will be able to add persistent storage stats in the provider page and other usage graphs.

Redm4x commented 2 days ago

Update July 16, 2024:

This is fixed in #267, it will be deployed in the coming days. Persistent and ephemeral storage are combined in the same graphs for now, but could be split in their own graphs/tiles in the future.