akash-network / console

Deploy docker containers on the Akash Network
Apache License 2.0
56 stars 46 forks source link
Akash logo # Akash Console **Akash Console** is an app that lets you deploy any [docker container](https://www.docker.com/) on the [Akash Network](https://akash.network) in a few clicks... 🛠 ![version](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/akash-network/console) ![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/akash-network/console) [![X (formerly Twitter) Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/akashnet_)](https://x.com/akashnet_) [![https://discord.gg/akash](https://img.shields.io/badge/discord-join-7289DA.svg?logo=discord&longCache=true&style=flat)](https://discord.gg/akash)

Quick start

We use docker with docker compose to run the services. This is the easiest way to get started. For instance to run the deploy-web service:

git clone git@github.com:akash-network/console.git ./console
cd console
npm run dc:up:dev -- deploy-web 

This would start the deploy-web service in development mode with all the dependencies (api, indexer, postgres) needed. While spinning up postgres it would also import a backup of the sandbox (by default) database to speed up the process.

For more details on how to run the other services or modes see the Running the Application section.


Dataflow between services

Dataflow between services

Every services are nodejs applications written in typescript. They are deployed using docker. Both databases are PostgreSQL deployed on GCP.

Deploy Website

Website to deploy on Akash. It is using the Next.js framework. The data shown on the website comes from a combination of our API and akash nodes (REST).

Url: console.akash.network
Directory: deploy-web

Provider Proxy

Used in the deploy website to proxy requests to providers. Needed since it's not possible to use the cert authentication system from the browser.

This is the equivalent of the Proxy used by the akash console.

Directory: provider-proxy


Provides data to the deploy website. The data is fetched from our Indexer database + coingecko for market data. This api also provides the endpoint for the Web3 Index integration.

Url: console-api.akash.network
Directory: api


Fetch the latest blocks from RPC nodes. Saves the blocks & stats to our Indexer Database. For details on how the indexer works see the Indexer README

Directory: indexer


Directory containing public config file that are fetch by the deploy tool. This is to allow modifying some configurations on the spot without the need to redeploy the web interface.

Directory: config


Example SQL Queries

See Example_Queries.md

Running the Application

This document provides instructions on how to set up and run the application, including steps for manual database restoration and using Docker Compose for ease of setup.

Using Docker and Docker Compose

This project's service are deployed using Docker and Docker Compose. The following sections provide instructions for setting up and running the application using Docker Compose. All the Dockerfiles are using multi-stage builds to optimize the image build processes. Same files are used to build both development and production images. There are 3 docker-compose files:

Some commands are added to package.json for convenience.

npm run dc:build # Build the production images
npm run dc:up:prod # Run the services in production mode
npm run dc:up:dev # Run the services in development mode
npm run dc:down # Stop the services referencing any possible service

Note: you may pass any docker compose related arguments to the above commands. E.g. to only start deploy-web service in development mode:

npm run dc:up:dev -- deploy-web

This would also properly spin up all the dependencies like the api.

Using Turbo Repo

Another way to run apps in dev mode is using turbo repo setup. Some available commands are:

npm run console:dev # run console ui in dev mode with dependencies
npm run stats:dev # run stats ui in dev mode with dependencies
npm run api:dev # run api in dev mode with dependencies
npm run indexer:dev # run indexer in dev mode with dependencies

Note the above commands still depend on docker to run postgres database. If you need to run them without db you can use the following commands:

npm run console:dev:no-db # run console ui in dev mode with dependencies but without postgres in docker
npm run stats:dev:no-db # run stats ui in dev mode with dependencies but without postgres in docker

Manual Database Restoration

Due to the extensive time required to index Akash from block #1, it's recommended to initialize your database using an existing backup for efficiency. This approach is particularly beneficial for development purposes.

Available Backups

Restoration Steps

  1. Create a PostgreSQL database.
  2. Restore the database using psql. Ensure PostgreSQL tools are installed on your system.

For a .sql.gz file:

gunzip -c /path/to/console-akash-sandbox.sql.gz | psql --host "localhost" --port "5432" --username "postgres" --dbname "console-akash"

After restoring the database, you can proceed with the specific project's README instructions for further setup and running the application.

Database Structure

The database schemas is defined using sequelize-typescript in /shared/dbSchemas/. Models are separated into the following folders:


Column Type Note
height integer
datetime timestamp
hash varchar
proposer varchar
dayId uuid See Day
txCount integer
isProcessed boolean false when inserted into the database and then set to true once the indexers have processed every message in the block.
totalTxCount bigint Global tx count as of this height (for historical tx count graphs).
totalUAktSpent double Cummulative uakt spent on deployments as of this block. Graph
activeLeaseCount integer Currently active lease count as of this block. Graph
totalLeaseCount integer Cummulative lease count as of this block. Graph
activeCPU integer Currently leased CPU as of this block. Graph
activeMemory bigint Currently leased Memory as of this block. Graph
activeEphemeralStorage bigint Currently leased Ephemeral Storage as of this block. Graph
activePersistentStorage bigint Currently leased Persistent Storage as of this block. Graph
activeProviderCount integer Provider count as of this block. This only consider on-chain data and does not include uptime checks.


Column Type Note
id uuid
hash varchar
height integer
msgCount integer
multisigThreshold integer
gasUsed integer
gasWanted integer
fee bigint
memo text
isProcessed boolean false when inserted into the database and then set to true once the indexers have processed every message in the transaction.
hasProcessingError boolean Indicates if the tx was a success or failed
log text Contains the error message if the tx failed


Column Type Note
id uuid
txId uuid See Transaction
height integer
type varchar ex: /cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend
typeCategory varchar First part of the message part. ex: cosmos or akash
index integer
indexInBlock integer
isProcessed boolean false when inserted into the database and then set to true once the indexers have processed the message.
isNotificationProcessed boolean false when inserted into the database and then set to true once it has been checked for existing alerts. (BlockSpy specific)
amount decimal Amount of the transfer if token were transferred. ex: MsgSend or MsgDelegate
data bytes Protobuf encoded data of the message
relatedDeploymentId uuid If the message is deployment related (ex: MsgCloseLease) this will be set to the related deployment. See Deployment


Keeps track of which addresses are involved in which txs (even if they are not the signer).

Column Type Note
id number
transactionId uuid See Transaction
messageId uuid See Message
address varchar
type varchar Signer/Sender/Receiver


Created for each days (UTC based), simplifies querying for daily stats.

Column Type Note
id uuid
date timestamp
aktPrice double See the "Sync Price History" task in Scheduled Tasks.
firstBlockHeight integer First block of the day.
lastBlockHeight integer Last block of the day. null if the day has not ended.
lastBlockHeightYet integer Last block of the day as of now.


Column Type Note
id uuid
operatorAddress varchar
accountAddress varchar
hexAddress varchar
createdMsgId uuid Message which created the validator (MsgCreateValidator). See Message
moniker varchar
identity varchar
website varchar
description text
securityContact varchar
rate double
double maxRate
maxChangeRate double
minSelfDelegation bigint
keybaseUsername varchar
keybaseAvatarUrl varchar


Column Type Note
id uuid
owner varchar Address of the wallet that owns this deployment
dseq varchar
createdHeight integer Height of the MsgCreateDeployment message
balance double Remaining balance based on deposits and MsgWithdrawLease
deposit bigint Deposited amount based on MsgCreateDeployment and MsgDepositDeployment
lastWithdrawHeight integer Last height where an account settlement occurred. This happens on create, withdraw and close.
withdrawnAmount double Withdrawn amount as of now. Updated on account settlement (create,withdraw,close).
closedHeight integer Height the deployment got closed on-chain. Can happen from MsgCloseDeployment or as a side-effect of having no active leases remaining.


Column Type Note
id uuid
deploymentId uuid See Deployment
owner varchar Address of the wallet that owns this deployment group.
dseq varchar
gseq integer


Column Type Note
id integer
deploymentGroupId uuid See DeploymentGroup
cpuUnits integer Thousandth of CPU
memoryQuantity bigint Memory in bytes
ephemeralStorageQuantity bigint Ephemeral Storage in bytes
persistentStorageQuantity bigint Persistent Storage in bytes
count integer
price double


Column Type Note
id uuid
deploymentId uuid See Deployment
deploymentGroupId uuid See DeploymentGroup
owner varchar Address of the wallet that owns this deployment group.
dseq varchar
oseq integer
gseq integer
providerAddress varchar
createdHeight integer Height of the lease creation. Happens when a bid is accepted with MsgCreateLease.
closedHeight integer Height at which the lease is closed on-chain. Happens from MsgCloseLease, MsgCloseHeight or if the deployment become overdrawn during an account settlement.
predictedClosedHeight decimal Height at which the lease should theoretically expire. This is calculated based on the balance and price. It will usually not match the closedHeight since leases can be closed early (MsgCloseLease & MsgCloseBid) or closed late since the closing wont happen until the provider does a MsgWithdrawLease
price double Lease price as uakt/block
withdrawnAmount double Withdrawn amount as of now for this lease. Updated on account settlement (create,withdraw,close).
cpuUnits integer Thousandth of CPU
memoryQuantity bigint Memory in bytes
ephemeralStorageQuantity bigint Ephemeral Storage in bytes
persistentStorageQuantity bigint Persistent Storage in bytes


Column Type Note
id integer
owner varchar Deployment's wallet address
dseq varchar
gseq integer
oseq integer
provider varchar Provider's wallet address
price double Price in uakt/block
createdHeight integer Height of the MsgCreateBid


Column Type Note
owner varchar Address of the wallet that owns this provider
hostUri varchar ex: https://provider.europlots.com:8443
createdHeight integer Height at which the provider is created on-chain. (MsgCreateProvider)
updatedHeight integer Height at which the provider was last updated. (MsgUpdateProvider)
deletedHeight integer Height at which the provider is deleted on-chain. (MsgDeleteProvider)
email varchar
website varchar
isOnline boolean Indicates if the latest uptime check was successful
lastCheckDate timestamp Date & Time of the latest uptime check
lastSnapshotId uuid ID of the last snapshot taken
nextCheckDate timestamp Planned Date & Time of the next uptime check
failedCheckCount integer Amount of consecutive failed checks, NULL if currently online.
lastSuccessfulSnapshotId uuid Snapshot ID of the last successful check
downtimeFirstSnapshotId uuid Snapshot ID of the first failed check of the current downtime period. NULL if currently online.
error text NULL if the latest uptime check was successful, otherwise this will contain the error message.
akashVersion varchar
cosmosSdkVersion varchar
ip varchar IP obtained by resolving DNS for the hostUri
ipRegion varchar
ipCountry varchar
ipLat varchar
ipLon varchar
ipRegionCode varchar
ipCountryCode varchar


Column Type Note
id integer
provider varchar Provider's wallet address
key varchar
value varchar


Store audited attributes based on MsgSignProviderAttributes & MsgDeleteProviderAttributes.

Column Type Note
id integer
provider varchar Provider's wallet address
auditor varchar Auditor's wallet address
key varchar
value varchar


Similar to stats on the Provider, but a new row is inserted for every uptime checks. This allows to graph the changes in resources over time as well as calculate an uptime percentage over a period.

Column Type Note
id uuid
owner varchar Address of the wallet that owns this provider
isOnline boolean Indicates if this uptime check was successful
isLastOfDay boolean Indicates if this is the last snapshot of the day for this provider
checkDate timestamp Date & Time of this uptime check
error text null if the uptime check was successful, otherwise this will contain the error message.
deploymentCount integer
leaseCount integer
activeCPU bigint Thousandth of CPU
activeMemory bigint Memory in bytes
activeEphemeralStorage bigint Ephemeral storage in bytes
activePersistentStorage bigint Persistent storage in bytes
pendingCPU bigint Thousandth of CPU
pendingMemory bigint Memory in bytes
pendingEphemeralStorage bigint Ephemeral storage in bytes
pendingPersistentStorage bigint Persistent storage in bytes
availableCPU bigint Thousandth of CPU
availableMemory bigint Memory in bytes
availableEphemeralStorage bigint Ephemeral storage in bytes
availablePersistentStorage bigint Persistent storage in bytes


Keep track of resources of individual provider nodes obtained through feature discovery.

Column Type Note
id uuid
snapshotId uuid Snapshot ID
name varchar Name of the node
cpuAllocatable bigint Thousandth of CPU
cpuAllocated bigint Thousandth of CPU
memoryAllocatable bigint Memory in bytes
memoryAllocated bigint Memory in bytes
ephemeralStorageAllocatable bigint Storage in bytes
ephemeralStorageAllocated bigint Storage in bytes
capabilitiesStorageHDD boolean Indicates if the node supports HDD storage
capabilitiesStorageSSD boolean Indicates if the node supports SSD storage
capabilitiesStorageNVME boolean Indicates if the node supports NVME storage
gpuAllocatable bigint
gpuAllocated bigint


Store CPU informations for each Provider Nodes

Column Type Note
id uuid
snapshotNodeId uuid Snapshot node ID
vendor varchar ex: GenuineIntel
model varchar ex: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.30GHz
vcores smallint


Store GPU informations for each Provider Nodes

Column Type Note
id uuid
snapshotNodeId uuid Snapshot node ID
vendor varchar ex: nvidia
name varchar Model name (ex: rtx4090)
modelId varchar On the provider, this gets mapped to vendor, name, interface and memorySize based on this file.
interface varchar ex: PCIe
memorySize varchar ex: 24Gi


Store persistent storage informations

Column Type Note
id uuid
snapshotId uuid Snapshot ID
class varchar Storage class
allocatable bigint Storage in bytes
allocated bigint Storage in bytes


Column Type Note
id uuid
userId uuid See User
copiedFromId uuid If the template was created by using the copy feature, this will contain the id of the original template.
title varchar
description text
isPublic boolean
cpu bigint
ram bigint
storage bigint
sdl text
createdOn timestamp


Created when a user "favorite" a template

Column Type Note
id uuid
userId uuid See User
templateId uuid See Template
addedDate datetime


Column Type Note
id uuid
userId varchar User ID given by Auth0 this is the field other tables reference to.
username varchar
email varchar
emailVerified boolean
stripeCustomerId varchar Created once the user visits the checkout page
bio text
subscribedToNewsletter boolean
youtubeUsername varchar
twitterUsername varchar
githubUsername varchar