akdor1154 / fitToWidth

Firefox add-on to fit text to the width of your phone's viewport
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

Fit To Width

Fits text on most web pages to the width of your phone.

Install from Firefox Addons: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fit-text-to-width/


This add-on is quite simple in implementation - it finds a bunch of elements which it considers to be 'too big', then sets a width (via css max-width) on them. The main problem then is just finding which elements to process - we want to shrink most elements with heaps of text in them, but if we accidently shrink an element whose width is essential to the page layout, we'll break the layout.


The algorithm to pick which elements to shrink is quite simple -

This is a pretty basic algorithm but it seems to do the job well. Suggestions for improvements are welcome, with the restriction that I want to be able to decide if an element should be processed or not in a single pass (i.e. without traipsing up and down the dom at a bunch of its children / ancestors).