akeneo / Dockerfiles

DEPRECATED for PIM 4.0 and above - Official Dockerfiles for Akeneo development and testing
MIT License
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Akeneo Dockerfiles

Build Status

This repository contains Dockerfiles to be used for Akeneo PIM and other PHP or Symfony development/testing. Please do not use them for a production environment. Feel free to use/adapt them if they fit your needs.

These images do not contain Akeneo PIM.

Images and tags available

All PHP and FPM images are available as follow:

PHP version Based on Corresponding tags
7.2 Debian 9 "Stretch" with packages coming from Ondřej Surý repository akeneo/php:7.2
7.3 Debian 9 "Stretch" with packages coming from Ondřej Surý repository akeneo/php:7.3

For all images, tag latest is identical to the one corresponding to the most recent language version.

Akeneo 3.x is to be used only with PHP 7.2 (or higher), with php-fpm and Apache 2.4 with FCGI. Akeneo 4.0 comes with its own Docker images and does not use this repository anymore.

And for Node images:

Node version Yarn version Based on Corresponding tags
10 1.13 Official Docker image debian:buster-slim akeneo/node:10
12 1.22 Official Docker image debian:buster-slim akeneo/node:12
14 1.22 Official Docker image debian:buster-slim akeneo/node:14

How to use these images

If you are new to Docker, please start with the getting started section. And even if you are not new, it is a good start to understand how these images are intended to be used.

Then, you can find out how to use these images in detail:

Please read carefully the troubleshoothing section if you encounter any problem. If your problem is not listed in it, don't hesitate to open an issue.


We gladly accept any contribution. Please check first if an issue does not already exists. If not, first create it to describe the feature or bug-fix you would like. If it already exists, then add a comment in it to tell us you are interested in doing it.

Please remember that to be merged, a PR must:

To know how to add tests, please read this documentation.


This content of this repository is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the LICENSE file.