akhawaja / ksuid

Java implementation of K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs
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cryptography distributed-computing java8 uuid

ksuid - Java Version

A Java implementation of the Segment's KSUID library. For a full treatment of why this came about, you can read the blog post on their website.

Maven Central

This library can be downloaded from Maven Central by adding the following as a dependency in your pom.xml file:


Quick Start

final Ksuid ksuid = new Ksuid();
final String uid = ksuid.generate();
// e.g. output: Be785NYYxP29BJiAJPupfsXuGpR

final String decoded = ksuid.parse(uid);
// e.g. output: Time: 2017-07-08T21:13:08Z[UTC]
//              Timestamp: 1499548388
//              Payload: [-42, 24, -60, -3, -66, 38, 32, 9, 62, -22, 95, -79, 123, -122, -91, 0] 
