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Vehicle for Rent
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Vehicle for Rent

Rent your desired car Rent your desired bike Doorstep service

This is a Java-based project that allows users to create, update, and delete:

Furthermore, it provides the functionality for searching the database (built in MySQL) by customer, vehicle, or booking ID. It also allows you to view available vehicles for rent.

Swagger API Documentation

For detailed API documentation, you can refer to our Swagger API Documentation.

Customer Endpoints

Transaction Endpoints

Vehicle Endpoints

The following are the REST endpoints related to vehicle management:

Add a New Vehicle

POST /v1/add/vehicle

Add a new vehicle to the system. The request body should contain a JSON representation of the vehicle.

Example Request:

POST /v1/add/vehicle
    "make": "Toyota",
    "model": "Camry",
    "year": 2022,
    "color": "Silver",
    "registrationNumber": "ABC123"

Get Vehicle Details

GET /v1/get/vehicle/{vehicleId}

Retrieve vehicle details by providing the vehicleId as a path variable.

Example Request:

GET /v1/get/vehicle/123

Delete Vehicle

DELETE /v1/delete/vehicle/{vehicleId}

Delete a vehicle from the system by providing the vehicleId as a path variable.

Example Request:

DELETE /v1/delete/vehicle/123

Update Vehicle Details

PUT /v1/update/vehicle/{vehicleId}

Update vehicle details using the vehicleId. You can provide optional query parameters for meterReading and pricePerLitre.

Example Request:

PUT /v1/update/vehicle/123?meterReading=5000&pricePerLitre=2.5

Get Free Vehicles

GET /v1/free/vehicles

Retrieve a list of free vehicles within a specified time range. Provide fromTime and toTime as query parameters in ISO 8601 format.

Example Request:

GET /v1/free/vehicles?fromTime=2023-10-18T10:00:00&toTime=2023-10-19T15:00:00

Feel free to explore and interact with these endpoints to manage vehicles in the RentMe Vehicle Rental system.