akliu / takeoff

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Minimum Viable Product

Takeoff is a web application inspired by Uber built using Ruby on Rails and React.js. Takeoff allows users to:

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication (1.5 days)

In Phase 1, I will begin by implementing user signup and authentication (using BCrypt). There will be a basic landing page after signup that will contain the container for the application's root React component.


Phase 2: Airport Index and Map (2.5 days)

In phase 2, I will setup the full JSON API for airports and seed my database with airports. I will then create the react view logic using the google maps API. At the end of this stage, users will be able to airports on the map and click on airport marks to go to the reservation creation page to be created in phase 3. I will also begin implementing basic CSS for the map/index page.


Phase 3: Reservation creation (1.5 days)

In phase 3, I will setup the JSON API for new reservations and implement the react view logic for reservation creation. I will seed my database with reservations, and I will also add basic CSS styling to the reservation creation form. At the end of this stage, users should be able to navigate to the reservation creation form from the map, and then submit a reservation which is saved to the database.


Phase 4: Reservation updating and deletion (2 days)

In phase 4, I will update the JSON reservation API to add support for modifying and deleting existing reservations. I will then update the react views to allow users to view previously created reservations and modify them. At the end of this stage, users should be able to view, modify, and delete their reservations and have this saved to the database.


Phase 5: Jets (3 days)

In phase 5, I will add a table to keep track of jets and link jets to owners.
I will create a full JSON API for jets to be utilized by my react views. I will add a view for owners to register their jets and update the reservation creation form to allow users to select a jet from available jets at the origin airport. I will also add basic CSS styling to the the jet registration page and seed the database with jets.


Phase 6: Styling and seeding (2 days)

Phase 6 will focus on polishing my app's styling and seed data. I will add additional CSS to fully polish the site and add more seeding to the database to create a strong demo experience.

Bonus Features (TBD)