akloeckner / hacs-hafas

Port of kilimnik's HAFAS client for HACS
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custom-component hacs hacs-integration hafas home-assistant transport

HAFAS (HaCon Fahrplan-Auskunfts-System)

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A custom component for Home Assistant providing a client for the HAFAS API. It can be used to retrieve connection data for a number of public transport companies in Europe, most notably Deutsche Bahn.

Credit goes to @kilimnik and pyhafas.

Sensor data

Once configured, this integration provides a sensor to show the next connections between two stations.

The state of the sensor is the timestamp of the next non-cancelled departure including delay. This allows to use the state programmatically, e.g., to compute a timedelta from it. Also, the sensor will be shown natively in Lovelace as a relative time, such as "in 5 minutes".

The attributes will contain the following additional data:

Note: The connections attribute is not recorded in history, because it contains a lot of data. And we don't want to bloat your home assistant database.

Each entry in the connections list contains the following data:

Each connection can consist of multiple legs (different trains with transfers in between). A leg contains the following data:

Usage examples of attribute data in templates

Generate an output as in the old db integration, e.g., 11:11 + 11:

{%- set departure = state_attr('sensor.koln_hbf_to_frankfurt_main_hbf', 'departure') | as_local %}
{%- set delay = state_attr('sensor.koln_hbf_to_frankfurt_main_hbf', 'delay') | as_timedelta %}
{{- departure.strftime('%H:%M') }}
{%- if delay -%}
  {{- ' + ' ~ (delay.total_seconds() // 60) | int -}}
{%- endif -%}

Only retrieve the planned departure timestamps of all non-canceled connections:

{{ state_attr('sensor.koln_hbf_to_frankfurt_main_hbf', 'connections')
   | rejectattr('canceled')
   | map(attribute='departure')
   | list }}