akoeb / amacube

<ATTENTION>Unmaintained! If anyone wants to continue maintaining this software, please let me know!</ATTENTION> Roundcube plugin to let users control their amavis settings as well as manage quarantined emails.
GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 23 forks source link


Roundcube plugin to let users control their amavis settings as well as manage quarantined emails.

Configurable Settings

The user can adjust following settings from the settings task:

All Those configuration options apply only to the user, for all other users the sidewide defaults apply.


Notes on the software


  1. Amavis I document here only some specific settings for this plugin, please refer to Amavis documentation for other configuration options.
    • Create a Database for amavis in Mysql:
    SQL> create database amavis;
    SQL> grant all privileges on amavis.*  TO '<AMAVIS-USER>'@'<AMAVIS-HOST>' IDENTIFIED BY '<AMAVIS-PASSWORD>';
    SQL> grant all privileges on amavis.*  TO '<AMAVIS-USER>'@'<ROUNDCUBE-HOST>' IDENTIFIED BY '<AMAVIS-PASSWORD>';
    @lookup_sql_dsn = ( ['DBI:mysql:database=amavis;host=<MYSQL-HOST>;port=3306', '<AMAVIS-USER>', '<AMAVIS-PASSWORD>]);
    @storage_sql_dsn = @lookup_sql_dsn;
    # tell amavis to listen on all interfaces:
    $inet_socket_bind = undef;
    # The ports amavis needs to listen (10024 for postfix, 9998 for us)
    $inet_socket_port = [10024, 9998];
    # new interface policy for posrt 9998
    $interface_policy{'9998'} = 'AM.PDP-INET';
    $policy_bank{'AM.PDP-INET'} = {
        protocol => 'AM.PDP',  # select Amavis policy delegation protocol
        inet_acl => [qw( [::1] )],  # restrict access to these IP addresses
        auth_required_release => 1,  # require secret_id for amavisd-release
  1. Amacube Plugin
    • create a directory in your roundcube plugin directory called amacube
    • drop all the files of the plugin into this directory
    • create a amacube/config.inc.php file with mysql and amavis settings filled out correctly. A template with the extension -dist is supplied.
    • add amacube to the $rcmail_config['plugins'] array in roundcubes config/main.inc.php
    • create Amacube database as specified in amacube.mysql.schema


This is a uncomplete list of things that need to be done with this plugin


0.2.1 - based on Roundcube 1.0.x support. Support for Kolab styles. See CHANGELOG


GPLv3 - see COPYING file for full license statement


Alexander Köb nerdkram@koeb.me seb sebastiaan.klaasen@talzia.nl Goran Juri goran@ingop.hr Troy Carpenter troy@carpenter.cx