akoutmos / sql_fmt

Format and pretty print SQL queries
MIT License
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Format and pretty print SQL queries

Hex.pm GitHub Workflow Status (master) Coveralls master branch Support the project



Available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding sql_fmt to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:sql_fmt, "~> 0.2.0"}

Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/sql_fmt.

Example Output

After setting up SqlFmt in your application you can use the SqlFmt functions in order to format queries. Here are a couple examples of queries with having parameters inline and with passing in the parameters separately:

iex(1)> {:ok, formatted_sql} = SqlFmt.format_query("select * from businesses where id in ('c6f5c5f1-a1fc-4c9a-91f7-6aa40f1e233d', 'f339d4ce-96b6-4440-a541-28a0fb611139');")
{:ok, "SELECT\n  *\nFROM\n  businesses\nWHERE\n  id IN (\n    'c6f5c5f1-a1fc-4c9a-91f7-6aa40f1e233d',\n    'f339d4ce-96b6-4440-a541-28a0fb611139'\n  );"}

iex(2)> IO.puts(formatted_sql)
  id IN (
iex(1)> {:ok, formatted_sql} = SqlFmt.format_query_with_params("select * from help where help.\"col\" in $1;", ["'asdf'"])
{:ok, "SELECT\n  *\nFROM\n  help\nWHERE\n  help.\"col\" IN 'asdf';"}

iex(2)> IO.puts(formatted_sql)
  help."col" IN 'asdf';

Be sure to checkout the HexDocs as you can also provide formatting options to the functions to tailor the output to your liking.

Mix Formatter

SqlFmt also provides you with the ~SQL sigil that can be used to format SQL via Mix Formatter plugin. To set up the Mix Formatter plugin, simply install this package and add update your .formatter.exs file as follows:

  plugins: [SqlFmt.MixFormatter],
  inputs: ["**/*.sql"],
  # ...

With this configuration, the SqlFmt Mix Format plugin will now format all ~SQL sigils and all files ending in .sql. This can be particularly useful in Ecto migrations where you have large execute statements and you want to make sure that your code is readable. Check out the SqlFmt.MixFormatter module docs for more information.

Supporting SqlFmt

If you rely on this library help you debug your Ecto/SQL queries, it would much appreciated if you can give back to the project in order to help ensure its continued development.

Checkout my GitHub Sponsorship page if you want to help out!

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