akshar001 / Maypole_firmware

Wireless pen-drive to deliver anything to your USB PORT.
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Maypole: Your All-in-One Smart Tool for Seamless File Management, Online Connectivity, and Remote Software Updates.

Maypole Setup Guide: Getting Familiar with its Applications

Welcome to the world of Maypole, a versatile device designed to simplify various tasks including file management and connectivity. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up Maypole by obtaining its source code from GitHub, either through cloning the repository or downloading it as a ZIP archive.

Table of contens

  1. Overview of the Maypole's Capabilities

  2. Setup Guide

  3. Connecting to the Maypole Device

  4. Modes of Operation

  5. Connecting Maypole to a New Wi-Fi Network

  6. Performing Firmware Update via User Interface

1. Overview of the Maypole's Capabilities: What is Maypole?

The Maypole device is like a smart tool made using a special computer chip called ESP32. It can do different things, kind of like a multi-purpose tool. You can use it to easily work with your files, connect it to the internet through WiFi, and even update its software from far away. This device is made to make tasks like storing and managing files simpler and more convenient for you.

2. Setup Guide

Accessing the GitHub Repository

Cloning the Repository

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Clone the Maypole repository from GitHub by executing the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/akshar001/Maypole_firmware.git

Downloading as ZIP

  1. Visit the Maypole repository on GitHub at the URL: https://github.com/akshar001/Maypole_firmware

  2. Click on the green "Code" button on the top right of the repository page.

  3. Select "Download ZIP" from the dropdown menu.

  4. Save the ZIP file to your desired location on your computer.

Installing Required Libraries

To start with Maypole you need some arduino libraries.

  1. SimpleTimer Lib: https://github.com/jfturcot/SimpleTimer

  2. ArduinoJson Lib: https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson

  3. Update Lib: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/tree/master/libraries/Update/src

Running the Project

3. Connecting to the Maypole Device

  1. Network Connection

    • On your smart device (phone or PC), access the Wi-Fi settings. Locate and select the network named 'pen_drive'. Connect to this network and enter the password '12345678'.
  2. Web Browser Access

    • Open a web browser on your device.
  3. Entering IP Address

    • In the address bar of your web browser, type:
  4. Interaction with Maypole

    • Press Enter or Go in your browser. Your browser will establish a connection with the Maypole device. Initially, the device will be in USB mode by default. You'll see options such as Switch to SD mode, My Files, Connect to WiFi, and Update Firmware.

4. Maypole Device Mode Operations

5. Connecting Maypole to a New Wi-Fi Network

6. Performing Firmware Update via User Interface (OTA)